The Jharkhand police initiated an investigation following the circulation of videos allegedly showing youths waving Palestinian flags during a Muharram procession in Dumka district. An official confirmed this development on July 17, after the videos gained traction on social media.
The video showed youths waving flags from atop a vehicle and chanting slogans during the Muharram procession at Dudhani Chowk.
BJP State President Babulal Marandi posted a video on X platform and called for stringent action against individuals exhibiting a “Talibani mentality” in the video.
हेमंत सोरेन सरकार की मुस्लिम तुष्टिकरण के परिणामस्वरूप अब झारखंड में देशविरोधी चरमपंथी विचारधारा के लोग खुलकर अपने नापाक इरादों का प्रदर्शन करने लगे हैं।
प्रदेश की उप राजधानी दुमका में मुहर्रम जुलूस के दौरान फिलिस्तीन का झंडा लहराया जाना देशद्रोह का कृत्य है, साथ ही क्षेत्र की…
— Babulal Marandi (@yourBabulal) July 17, 2024
Babulal Marandi criticised the Hemant Soren Government, alleging that such incidents were a consequence of the administration’s policy of “Muslim appeasement.”
“Waving the Palestinian flag during the Muharram procession in Dumka is an act of treason and also a despicable attempt to spread fear among the general public of the area. Bangladeshi infiltrators have been settled under the protection of the state govt”.
Sub Divisional Police Officer of Dumka, Vijay Kumar Mahto said, “These videos are being circulated on social media platforms. We are investigating these videos.We are investigating these videos. We will take action if they are genuine.”
Nishikant Dubey, BJP MP from Godda, also called for an investigation and stringent action against those involved.
“The intruders have become so emboldened that the Palestinian flag was waved in the Muharram procession in Dumka, which is the ‘karmabhoomi’ of Hemant Soren Ji,” Dubey said in a post on X.
संथालपरगना में आदिवासी समाज को भगाकर अब घुसपैठियों का मन इतना बढ़ गया है कि झारखंड की उप राजधानी दुमका जो हेमंत सोरेन जी का कर्म क्षेत्र है वहाँ आज मुहर्रम के जुलूस में फ़िलिस्तीन का झंडा लहराया गया । गृह मंत्रालय @PIBHomeAffairs @NIA_India @HMOIndia को जॉंच कर देशद्रोही तालिबानी…
— Dr Nishikant Dubey (@nishikant_dubey) July 17, 2024
Calling for an inquiry by the Ministry of Home Affairs and NIA into the incident, he wrote: “The traitorous Taliban supporters should be hanged.”
The Vishva Hindu Parishad warned to call for a Dumka bandh if the administration failed to take action against the persons who waived Palestinian flags.