A controversy has emerged at the Karnali Anganwadi in Vadodara, where children were reportedly made to perform Namaz. This incident follows a similar incident reported in Jamnagar and has sparked strong objections from local Hindu organisations.
Reports have surfaced that Hindu children were made to celebrate Eid by tying scarves on their heads, leading to widespread discontent.
According to sources, children at the Karnali Anganwadi in Dabhoi, Vadodara, were made to perform Namaz despite there being no Eid-related lesson in the curriculum.
Hindu organisations have voiced their opposition to this form of celebration being imposed on Hindu children.
Reports suggest that the Anganwadi operator celebrated Eid by tying scarves on the children’s heads and instructing them in Namaz. Local Hindu organisations have alerted education authorities and demanded prompt action.
Vadodara MLA Shailesh Mehta has expressed his concerns regarding the incident and has communicated the matter to the state’s Education Minister. Mehta emphasised the need for immediate action to ensure that Anganwadi centres remain educational institutions and do not turn into religious schools or madrasas.
In a statement, MLA Shailesh Mehta highlighted the significance of Karnali as a centre of faith for millions of Hindus.
“On Friday, (July 12, 2024), small children were taught about Eid and Namaz in an Anganwadi here. Efforts were made to make the children pray with scarves tied on their heads. This incident is very unfortunate. As soon as it came to my attention, I contacted the Collector, DDO, Dabhoi Provincial Officer, and others to inform them. Additionally, I informed the state’s Education Minister via WhatsApp,” Mehta said.
He further added, “After the incident, we also informed the Chief Minister’s personal secretary. This matter is very serious. Teaching children about another religion is a serious issue. Children go to Anganwadis for education, not religious knowledge. If someone wants religious education, and if they are Muslim, they will go to a madrasa. But the ongoing program of turning Anganwadis into madrasas cannot be tolerated.”
Mehta pointed out that a similar incident had occurred in Jamnagar, which the government must take seriously.
He assured that legal action would be taken against those responsible and emphasised that no Anganwadi in Gujarat would be allowed to transform into a madrasa. He promised that action would be taken as soon as Anganwadis reopens on Monday, and if not, the issue would be escalated to Gandhinagar.
Previously, a similar incident in the Sonalnagar Anganwadi of Jamnagar had come to light.
A viral video on social media showed the administrator teaching children about Eid and making them recite prayers, including chants of “Ya Hussain.” The teacher was encouraging children to wake up early on Eid, prepare biryani, and go to the mosque to offer Namaz.
This incident also led to significant protests from Hindu organisations, who demanded strict action.
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