Agartala: In a significant operation, Tripura Police detained seven Rohingya nationals, including two infant girls, at Churaibari in the North district. The group was intercepted while attempting to travel to Hyderabad on a night bus. Acting on a tip-off, police apprehended the group, consisting of five adults and two children, during a routine check at the Churaibari police station’s Naka Point on National Highway No. 8 Assam-Agartala.
The night bus, bearing registration number ML05T/8382, was stopped for inspection, and officers noticed two men and three women behaving suspiciously. Upon questioning, it was discovered that all detainees had originated from the Cox’s Bazar Rohingya camp in Bangladesh. Officer-in-charge Khokon Saha reported that the group had illegally entered Tripura through touts at the Indo-Bangla border in Dhanpur, Sepahijala district, with Hyderabad’s Royal Colony as their intended destination. Police are investigating the role of Indian touts in their entry in Indian territory. Police found forged Indian documents with the arrested intruders which were provided by the touts. The Rohingya group was supposed to join as domestic helpers in the Indian city of Hyderabad.
The adult detainees were identified as Abdul Ilahi (22), Abdul Sukkur (19), Rumi Begum (19), Rozina Begum (22), and Chakhina Begum (18). Two infant daughters of one arrested intruder Rumi Begum’s were also part of the group. A case has been registered at the local police station under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code, Foreigners Act, and Passport Act.
Eleven Illegal Intruders from Bangladesh Apprehended
Earlier on July 2,11 illegal intruders from Bangladesh were arrested by Tripura police at the Agartala railway station. These intruders were found by the police during a routine check at Agartala Badarghat railway station. The group was planning to travel to various cities across India including Delhi, Mumbai and Banglore. Among the detainees was a minor, and all had entered India from Bangladesh with intentions to travel to different cities of the country and find jobs there.
The arrestees included Alamin Sarkar (36), Abu Hanif Sardar (22), Sumaya Akhter (18), Tumpa Haque (18), Baishakhi (13), Lakhi Akhter (25), Jharna Begum (30), Aduri Khanam (24), Akhu Sekh (27), and Deepa (34). Police said that during the initial investigation various Bangladeshi documents, Indian currency and mobile phones were seized from the illegal intruders.
The arrested Bangladesh intruders were produced in a local court on 3rd July. Court sent them to police custody for further investigation of the case . After reminding them, police will gather more information to determine if they have any connections with previous intruders, police sources said.
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