Prime Minister Narendra Modi on July 3 assured the Rajya Sabha that the Government is implementing comprehensive measures to restore and sustain peace and normalcy in Manipur. This region experienced ethnic tensions and widespread violence last year. He also stressed that the state will reject those elements that are trying to inflame the situation in Manipur.
PM Modi emphasised that despite being a small state, over 11,000 FIRs have been filed in Manipur, with more than 500 suspects arrested since the outbreak of violence last year.
PM Modi, addressing the Upper House, stated, “I have comprehensibly addressed the house last time on the issue of Manipur, I want to reiterate that the Government is actively working to bring normalcy to Manipur. In the incidents that took place there, over 11,000 FIRs were registered in Manipur, which is otherwise a small state. Over 500 accused have been arrested. We have to accept the fact that incidents of violence have been constantly decreasing, which means that it is becoming possible to have faith and trust in peace. Today, schools, colleges, and other institutions are functioning as usual in most parts of Manipur. Just like the country, Manipur too conducted examinations and it has continued its developmental story. Union and State Governments are holding talks with all stakeholders for peace and amicable solutions and are making all efforts for that. It is a major work to bring together smaller units and it is being done in a peaceful manner.”
PM Modi also underscored that, unlike previous Governments, several ministers and senior officials stayed in the state experiencing violence, conducting discussions with all stakeholders to pursue amicable solutions.
PM Modi said that, “Unlike previous Governments, the Home Minister has stayed there for days and the MoS Home Ministry has camped there for weeks. They have gone there regularly to bring together all stakeholders. Apart from political leadership, concerned higher officials in the Government have also visited there and have been in touch with people there.”
PM Modi also pledged full assistance to the state currently grappling with the threat of floods. PM Modi added, “Currently, Manipur is also facing the threat of floods, The Union Government is fully cooperating with the state government and today, two teams of the NDRF have reached there.”
He urged everyone in the House to set aside politics and work together to restore peace. He also warned those trying to worsen the situation in Manipur to stop, emphasizing that such actions would be rejected by the people of Manipur in the end.
PM Modi said, “All of us, rising above politics, should cooperate to bring normalcy there, it is our duty. All those elements who are trying to inflame the situation in Manipur, I am alerting them to stop these acts, one day will come and Manipur will reject such people.”
PM Modi pointed out that the state has a history of conflicts and ethnic tensions, leading previous governments to impose Presidential rule there ten times due to various challenges. He added, “Those who know the history of Manipur and the timeline of the incidents, they know Manipur has a long history of struggle whose roots are very deeply entrenched. Congress should not forget that for these reasons, ten times presidential rule have been imposed on this small region, there must have been some challenges there..and this didn’t have during our tenure. Yet for political benefit, there are things being done there. In 1993, Manipur witnessed similar but intense developments which ran for five years. “
PM Modi concluded by urging, “We have to work with great concern and want to take cooperation of all those who want to cooperate. We are making great efforts to bring and maintain peace and normalcy.”
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