Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a scathing attack on the Congress party and its leader, Rahul Gandhi, during his over two-hour speech in the Lok Sabha on July 2. Responding to the Motion of Thanks on the President’s address, PM Modi employed several jibes, such as “balak budhi” (childish intellect) and “tumse na ho payega” (you won’t be able to do it), targeting Rahul Gandhi. He accused the Congress of lying, promoting divisive politics, and attempting to link Hindus with violence.
PM Modi accused the Congress of making “lies” a weapon of its politics and spreading misinformation to divide the nation based on religion. He emphasised that the BJP-led NDA government, now in its third consecutive term, has been entrusted by the people to continue its policies of zero tolerance for corruption and “justice for all, appeasement for none.”
“The people of India have reposed faith in our government’s track record over the past 10 years,” PM Modi said. “We worked for santushtikaran (saturation) instead of tushtikaran (appeasement).”
Throughout his speech, PM Modi did not hold back from mocking Rahul Gandhi. Referring to him as “balak budhi,” PM Modi criticised Gandhi’s attempts to link Hindus with violence and alleged that there is a conspiracy to falsely accuse Hindus. “This is your culture, your character, your thinking, and your hatred,” PM Modi said, addressing the Congress leader.
PM Modi also made a veiled reference to the Congress’s electoral performance, saying, “This is the first time in Congress’s history that they have not crossed the 100-seat mark three times in a row. This is the third biggest defeat in the history of Congress.”
Prime Minister Modi alleged that Congress has been trying to create a narrative that links Hindus with violence. He accused Rahul Gandhi of a serious conspiracy to portray Hindus as violent, referencing Gandhi’s recent remarks and actions. PM Modi criticised Gandhi for displaying images of deities during his speech, claiming it was an attempt to falsely accuse Hindus of violence.
“Today, there is a conspiracy to falsely accuse Hindus, a serious conspiracy is unfolding. It has been said that Hindus are violent. This is your culture, this is your character, this is your thinking, this is your hatred,” PM Modi said. “They had announced the destruction of the concept of ‘Shakti’ in Hindus. Which power you are talking about that you want to destroy? This country has been a devotee of ‘Shakti’ for centuries.”
PM Modi strongly defended the Agniveer scheme and other defense reforms introduced by his government. He criticised the Congress party for opposing these reforms and accused them of weakening the armed forces. PM Modi emphasised the importance of having a young and modern army and claimed that Congress’s opposition to defense reforms was an attempt to weaken the country’s defense capabilities.
“Look at ‘balak budhi’. He sought to make fun of armed forces by making toy Rafales. Congress opposes every such reform that strengthens armed forces. Congress realises that the greatest strength of our defense forces is the energy of our youth and a lie is being spread on recruitment in armed forces,” PM Modi said. “Our Army is the pride of the country. Today, the whole country is watching our army, our defense sector is undergoing so many reforms, as never happened in so many years after independence. Our Army is being modernised so that our Army can give a befitting reply to every challenge.”
PM Modi assured that his government would work with three times the speed, energy, and results in its third term. He highlighted ongoing reforms and modernisation in the defense sector, including the establishment of the Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) and theater commands, aimed at strengthening the armed forces.
He also addressed the NEET issue, assuring students that the government is working on a “war footing” to prevent incidents like paper leaks and promised that those playing with the future of youth would not be spared.
PM Modi condemned Congress’s historical performance, mentioning instances like the abolition of One Rank, One Pension (OROP) by Indira Gandhi and the various scams that occurred under their rule. He claimed that Congress weakened the country’s defense capabilities and continues to do so by spreading lies about defense reforms.
“The scams of crores of rupees of Congress weakened the country. After the country gained Independence, there was corruption under Congress rule… jeep scam, submarine scam, Bofors scam, these scams prevented defense forces from becoming strong. There was a time during Congress rule when forces did not have bullet-proof jackets. They weakened the forces when they were in power and the efforts continue when they are in opposition. Congress did not procure fighter jets when it was in power and when we tried, they resorted to conspiracies. The fighter jet does not reach Air Force, every conspiracy was made,” PM Modi alleged.
“An attempt has been made to fool the country’s brave soldiers about One Rank, One Pension (OROP). Indira Gandhi abolished the OROP system in our country. For decades, Congress did not allow it to be implemented, but at the time of the elections, attempts were made to fool by showing Rs 500 crore. NDA government implemented the OROP,” he added.
PM Modi urged the opposition to respect the people’s mandate and contribute constructively to the nation’s progress. He called for positive politics based on good governance and fulfilling the expectations of the people.
“Let us compete on good governance, delivery, and fulfilling the expectations of the people,” he said.
During his speech, the Prime Minister also condoled the unfortunate deaths of victims in a stampede accident in Hathras, Uttar Pradesh. He wished a speedy recovery for the injured and informed the House that the state government was actively engaged in search and rescue operations, with senior officials from the Central Government in constant touch to ensure all necessary help for the victims.
PM Modi recalled the era of Emergency and the dictatorial atmosphere created by those ruling the nation, causing widespread cruelty to citizens and injustice to the nation. He also mentioned the resignation of Baba Saheb Ambedkar from the Cabinet due to the government’s lack of action to protect the rights of backward classes and scheduled castes.
He highlighted the “injustice” faced by other prominent leaders such as Jagjivan Ram, Chaudhary Charan Singh, and Sitaram Kesri during Congress rule.
Lok Sabha was adjourned sine die on July 2, after adopting the motion of thanks on the President’s address, marking the conclusion of the session. The BJP-led NDA, having won 293 seats in the recent Lok Sabha elections, has formed its third successive government, while the Opposition’s I.N.D.I Alliance secured 243 seats.
PM Modi concluded by appealing to the citizens to remain vigilant against those who promote chaos and divisive politics. He emphasised the importance of collective efforts for a developed India and urged members of the House to work towards national welfare and the fulfillment of the citizens’ dreams and expectations.
Here are the top ten quotes from his address:
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