The Thiruvananthapuram Sub Court has ordered the confiscation of 10.8 cents of land belonging to State Police Chief Shaikh Darvesh Sahib, Director General of Police, Kerala, and his wife. This decision stems from an alleged violation of a sales agreement involving the sale of land to a resident of Vazhuthacaud, Thiruvananthapuram, for Rs 74 lakhs. Initially, the prospective buyer paid Rs 30 lakhs as per the agreement for the mentioned land. However, during inspections, it was discovered that the property had already been mortgaged to a bank with a liability of Rs 26 lakhs, which was not disclosed to the buyer. This discrepancy led to the dispute, prompting the buyer to approach the court.
However, the State Police Chief defended the transaction, stating that everything was carried out transparently and the agreement was proper. He alleged that the buyer began construction on the plot while the remaining amount was still pending. The dispute escalated when the buyer requested a refund of the advance amount, citing the undisclosed mortgage as the reason for this demand.
The contract was signed on June 22, 2023. However, scrutiny of the property was conducted only after the advance payment was made. Umar Sherief, the buyer, informed the State Police Chief that he was withdrawing from the contract due to information about the mortgage. He mentioned that a complaint was also lodged with the chief minister, adding that he would withdraw the case if the advance payment was returned. Sherief clarified that he had not carried out any construction on the land; he had only erected a compound wall around the property.
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