Chennai: Tamil Nadu BJP chief K Annamalai has demanded a detailed white paper on Chief Minister M K Stalin’s foreign tours, seeking transparency regarding the investments received and the status of committed projects. Speaking in the State Assembly on June 28, Minister for Industries, Investment Promotion and Commerce T.R.B. Rajaa announced that CM Stalin is scheduled to visit the United States soon to attract investment to Tamil Nadu, stating, “We will bring in companies that don’t have any presence here.”
However, opposition parties have criticised the upcoming tour, labeling it as mere sightseeing with family members and close officials. They argue that the tours are a waste of taxpayers’ money, especially in an era where digital communication can secure investments. Critics contend that comparisons with Prime Minister Modi’s foreign visits are inappropriate, noting that Modi’s trips involve strategic discussions, bilateral relations, and significant investment deals, all conducted with high respect and cooperation from global leaders.
Speaking to the media in Coimbatore, Annamalai pressed for a white paper on the investments and job generation resulting from CM Stalin’s overseas visits over the past three years. He remarked, “People are questioning the mystery behind these visits. There is nothing wrong with a CM going abroad, but only in Tamil Nadu is there a lack of transparency. The visits have not yielded any results. The TN government should divulge details of investments received through CM’s visits to Dubai, Singapore, and Japan in the last three years, as well as the investments obtained through the global investment summit.”
Annamalai further criticised the current state of Tamil Nadu’s workforce, highlighting a drop in skilled labor due to declining education quality. “Foreign companies want a stable law and order situation, a single window clearance system, and an employable workforce. There seems to be a drop in skilled workers in Tamil Nadu,” he said. He pointed out that migrant workers are preferred for their reliability, punctuality, and non-participation in strikes or protests, contrasting them with local laborers who are often seen as less dependable.
Addressing the state’s economic growth, Annamalai stated, “There is a deceleration of growth in Tamil Nadu, whereas neighboring states like Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh are attracting more investments. Drug menace is also a reason for the decrease in growth. Uttar Pradesh, for example, is getting more investments due to infrastructure development, investment-friendly concessions, good law and order, and a plentiful labor force.”