
Illegal Conversion: A threat to the nation’s fabric

As India navigates the challenges of modernity and globalisation, safeguarding its cultural and religious heritage becomes more important than ever. The covert conversion campaigns by Christian missionaries highlight the need for vigilance and concerted efforts to protect the nation's identity

Published by
Pankaj Jagannath Jayswal

The world is fighting against Muslim radicalism, which is accused of converting on the edge of a sword. There is a silent revolution going on that none of us care to know about. It’s so smooth and well-planned that folks have no idea and are completely satisfied. Many Christian missionaries are targeting Schedule caste and Tribes with a conversion objective. The most important element influencing these missionaries is their financial and support system.

For over 200 years, Many christian missionaries have sought to eradicate Sanatan Dharm and establish Christianity in India. The sole difference between the 19th century missionary and today’s missionary is that the former publicly declared this, and the latter remain mute for obvious reasons.

According to Pew research, The majority of Indian Christians (54 per cent) believe in karma, which is not a Christian concept. Many Indian Christians also believe in reincarnation (29 per cent) and the Ganges River’s purifying power (32 per cent ), both of which are key Hindu tenets. It is also popular for Indian Christians to practice practices associated with other religions, such as celebrating Diwali (31 per cent), or wearing a forehead symbol known as a bindi (22 per cent), which is most commonly worn by Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain women. They account for merely 2.5 per cent of India’s population officially. South India is home to almost half of the country’s Christians, while Christians account for a sizable proportion of the population in India’s sparsely populated Northeast, where the vast majority of Christians are members of tribal communities.

What does this analysis say. According to official numbers and studies, Hindus account for more than half of all converts. A disturbing and concerning truth is that, in addition to these formal converts, many SC, ST, and other marginalized impoverished people who have converted to Christianity have not officially changed their religion fearing that they will loose government benefits, implying that total conversion is extremely high. Willful conversion is legal, but it is done by instilling hatred for Hindus, Gods, and culture. How can this be in tune with humanity? The service (Seva) to society must be selfless before it can be labeled “service to god,” else it is one more tactic to kill humanity under the guise of a false belief that our god is the true god.

The major goal of conversion is to serve as a proxy to rule India. Unfortunately, the constitution still does not include a provision to eliminate reservations for these converted marginalized Christians.

Majority converted people act like “Christian fundamentalists”  They are taught to indoctrinate others. They have lost their critical thinking skills and want others to do the same. Many of them  do not eat sweets from the temple, do not access the temple premises, do not like the presence of god’s images in their homes or workplaces, and do not greet others at festivals. “Experts” present “religious teaching” to them in a very nice manner. Brainwashing is performed in a very systematic manner. Newly converted persons rarely miss religious programs or Sunday prayers. Their lifestyle is determined by the “religious teacher”. Initially for few days, converted folks usually receive money or other gifts. Converted persons usually strive to convert others who are close to them or who are having problems. It works similarly to network marketing.

The abrahmic faiths share a fundamental rule: spread their religion as the sole true religion. A devout Christian believes that by converting as many people as possible, he or she is saving them from eternal damnation. Christianity has ruthlessly effective marketing machinery. Poverty, fake narratives and lack of knowledge drives poor Hindus to sell their traditional beliefs to Christian missionaries. Christians trade everlasting life in exchange for doing almost nothing. Hindus who are not familiar with Sanatan Dharma find Christianity more logical and are readily beaten in arguments. Everything Western and followed by white people is cool, notwithstanding the inferiority mindset.

One of the fathers from the Christian church who believes in humanity and opposes conversion said:

“Why make this world boring by introducing only one way to worship God? This world is defined by diversity in everything. God created the earth in this way, so why would you wish to take away its variety and diversity? Hinduism contains a great deal of variety and diversity, and this tradition is an important link in the chain of world religion diversity. You remove Hinduism from India; you rob the spirit of India, which is distinguished by its variety. I don’t feel good when someone takes a child away from his mother. In any event, my son, there are already too many Christians in the world”.

Which actions are necessary?

Stop funding for any missionaries who disguise themselves as charity while using all Vatican finances to persuade and coax people under Christianity.

Create more central schools in each and every village, town having Gurukul plus modern education system. (NEP 2020).

Teach Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Gautam Buddha, Guru Gobind Singh, Bhagwan Mahavir and all that helps to unite this great nation and to strengthen the culture.

Pass measures prohibiting any forced or anti-Dharma conversion to Christianity or any other religion; Set strict prohibitions on illegitimate missionary activity in the country.

How foreign activists and agencies are implementing mass conversion using bogus narratives, and how they see Hindu poor people

In a video titled “Signs of the Times,” which the Church of the Highlands uploaded on August 22, 2022, on its official account, Chris Hodges referred to the Hindu population in India as “lost people.” He said that one of his missionaries informed him that India is “one of the places on the planet where it’s the largest concentration of lost people that are both unengaged and unreached.”

He exposed their goal and explained how unassuming people are duped into accepting Christianity. “And they organized themselves into 3,931 outreach teams, who scattered into 15 northern Indian states to evangelize, and God came up. So they’d go lay their hands on the sick, ordinary Christians, and sick people would be healed right away.”

He described how missionaries use the superstition of demon possession to exploit the vulnerable. “And they had persons there who were demon-possessed, notoriously so, tormenting the entire community, and they were drastically delivered. And it was so extreme, and they were ecstatic that this demonic person had been released.” The pastor made it apparent that the missionaries send ‘demon-possessed’ people to troubled areas, and then the pastors arrive in the villages as messiahs, releasing the demons from the people, bringing ‘peace’ to the region. Following that, they will find it much easier to convert.

Mass conversion in Punjab

I’m still curious about the Sikh religion, which saved Hindus from the Mughals fighting against large-scale conversion. Two children of Guru Gobind Singh Ji (Tenth Guru) who refused to become Muslims and sacrificed their lives and today their followers are now being converted to the Christianity. The main factor is a lack of understanding and false narratives that push individuals to convert.

I urge anyone who desire to convert to make thorough research on Sanatan Dharm. If one studies our scriptures, they will undoubtedly find that ours is more universal and peaceful. Do not worry about others. However, attempt mastering Hindu scriptures and assisting innocent Hindus (Buddhist, Sikh, Jains) in your neighborhood to realize its significance.

Allow individuals to convert if they choose to according to the law, but brainwashing them with false narratives and instilling profound loathing for their own religion is against humanity. Humanitarian service should not be undertaken with the purpose of converting others. It’s time to wake up and confront this danger legally and socially.

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