New Delhi: Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and his government has been taking continuous efforts to improve peace and order in Uttar Pradesh over the last seven years. The chief minister has prioritised women’s safety, and major efforts have been undertaken throughout the state to achieve this goal.
Taking forward this endeavour, the government has made provision that those who commit crimes against women and children in the state will not be able to get anticipatory bail.
Recently, the draft of the Indian Civil Defense Code (Uttar Pradesh Amendment) Ordinance 2024 has been approved in the cabinet. After the consent of the governor, the Home Department will issue its notification.
According to reports, the decision was taken in view of the provisions of anticipatory bail in the new criminal laws of the Central Government.
The provision of no anticipatory bail is due to the state government’s zero tolerance policy towards crimes against women and children.
This will create a sense of security in women and increase their faith in in the power of the state and law.
As per Finance Minister Suresh Khanna under this, cases of sections 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70 and 71 related to rape have also been included.
Earlier, the minister had said that this step will speed up the investigation of sexual crimes and collection of biological and scientific evidence. This will also minimise the fear and pressure on victims and their families.
It is not the first time that the Yogi government has taken any major step regarding the safety of women and children.
The chief minister has prioritised women’s safety, and major efforts have been undertaken throughout the state to achieve this goal.
Earlier, a total of 1698 Anti-Romeo teams have been formed, with 21,422 incidents reported across the state. Women’s support desks have been established in all 1584 police stations across the state, as have Women Cyber Crime Cells in 18 zonal offices.
Notably, from March 2022 to November 2023, 12855 accused were convicted for crimes against women and under the POCSO Act. The death sentence was imposed on 16 accused, life imprisonment on 1298, more than ten years of imprisonment on 3422, and up to ten years of imprisonment on 8119.
People have seen those days also when in most areas of western UP, residents, especially women, were reluctant to step out of their houses after dusk, but over past seven years the scenario has changed, they feel safe to step out even at night and all credit goes to the rule of chief Minister Yogi Adityanath.
The chief minister believes that when half of the population is secure, the entire society is secure and when the dignity of women is ensured, investment follows naturally.