In the Rampur district of Uttar Pradesh, several Madrasa students vandalised a murti of Hanuman ji on June 26. The murti was installed in Ramayana Park, located near Panwaria in the Civil Lines area. The incident quickly drew a crowd as word spread. Akash Saxena, the city’s MLA, also visited the site. Ramayana Park is known for its many murti of Hindu deities.
The Madrasa students allegedly damaged the murti of Hanuman ji while playing, breaking its leg. Some Hindu locals witnessed the act and chased the students out of the park. Upon returning home, these students reported the incident to their parents, leading to the gathering of several Muslim residents at the scene.
Authorities, including Additional Superintendent of Police Atul Kumar Srivastava, CO City Vijendra Singh, and police from Civil Lines, City Kotwali, and Ganj Kotwali, promptly arrived to address the situation. The MLA sought to calm tensions and prevent further confrontation.
Akash Saxena, the local MLA, attributed responsibility for the incident to the Rampur Development Authority, which built the park four years ago. He criticised the authority for failing to implement measures to protect the idols, thereby allowing vandalism by mischievous elements.
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