Chhattisgarh police on Tuesday, June 25 apprehended as many as four Maoist sympathisers/over-ground workers from Mohla Manpur Ambagarh Chowki (MMAC) district for allegedly assisting the left-wing ultras in generating revenue.
According to the details shared by the police, those arrested by the police were part of the syndicate that procured a vehicle for earning money on behalf of the Maoist outfit and sent it back to the banned group subsequently.
The arrest has been made from Karekatta village under the Madanwada police station limits of MMAC district. Those arrested have been identified as Arvind Tulawi, a resident of Kareketta village, Panchayat Secretary, Mahesh Meshram, Ramkishan Yadav, a contractor who supplied money for procurement of tractor for Maoists and Sushil Sahu a staff of a tractor showroom in Rajnandgaon.
As per the details, Yadav, a local contractor had provided around Rs 7.5 lakh to the Maoists as levy money for disruption free completion of his road project in interior areas after the latter torched a vehicle engaged in construction work being assigned to Yadav. The said money had been provided to Sahu who used forged documents to procure a tractor for the Maoists.
The accused had procured the said tractor by using documents of a villager who had been told that the same is required to open a bank account, informed Deepak Jha, Inspector General (IG) of police, Rajnandgaon range on Tuesday.
“We have confiscated a tractor which was procured by the Maoists. We were getting inputs about a tractor being run by a man identified as Arvind Tulavi, the said tractor was procured by the Maoists and the earning from the same was also being used by them,” he added.
During the course of investigation, it has been revealed that Ramkishan Yadav had provided money for procurement of the tractor. The vehicle was procured in the name of another villager whose documents were supplied by Mahesh Meshram informed IG, Jha further.
We have arrested a total of four people in connection with the case and have seized documents, chip and the said vehicle, the nabbed accused have been booked under relevant sections of Indian Penal Code (IPC) and sections 10,13,38,40 of Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, he added.
Different tactics for revenue generation
It must be noted that the Maoists who have been reportedly facing a shortage of money in continuing their sinister campaign against the government and security forces uses different tactics to elevate their revenue stream, reports about which have been keep coming to the fore on regular intervals.
This include extorting levy money from contractors, businessmen and companies operating in areas dominated by the outlaws. Additionally, there are reports suggesting illegal mining and cultivation of prohibited stuffs for revenue generation purpose.
Recently in a shocking revelation, the security forces had also unearthed equipment and counterfeit currency stock of the Maoists during a counter-insurgency drive launched in Korajguda forests in the last week. The operation was launched by a joint team of security personnel who recovered printing machines, ink, templates and counterfeit notes in denominations of Rs 50, Rs 100, Rs 200 and Rs 500.
It was further revealed that the Maoists were indulged in printing counterfeit currency for the last two years for which training had also been provided to at least one member of each Area Committees of the outlaws. Upon printing the counterfeit notes were then used by the Ultras in local weekly markets, informed an official of the police after the recovery.