Vidya Bharati is playing a major role in implementing the Indian education system based on Bharatiya ‘Swa’ and Bharatiyata in the whole country. Shiksha Vikas Samiti is playing a leading role in this movement in Odisha. All the Karyakartas working in the field of education need to work dedicatedly to achieve the set goal., said Sunilpad Goswami, member of Akhil Bhartiya Karyakarini of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. He was speaking at the concluding ceremony of the two-day annual general body meeting of Sikshya Bikash Samiti, a unit of Vidya Bharati at Keshav Dham Cuttack. Sikshya Bikash Samiti’s President Dr Kishore Chandra Mohanty presided over the meeting.
Goswami ji said Bharat’s ancient education system was very strong. Education was provided through Bharat’s Gurukuls. But Islamic foreign invaders to European invaders, both tried to destroy Bharat’s own educational system. For example, Islamic invaders destroyed Nalanda University and, also set the libraries there on fire. Lakhs of books were burnt.
On the other hand, the British also knew that to disconnect Bharatiyas from their culture, they would have to attack the Sanatan education system. They hatched conspiracies to destroy Bharat’s education and culture. They implemented Macaulay’s education policy.
After this, Vidya Bharati is continuously working to re-establish the Bharatiya education system on the basis of Bharatiya Sanskriti. He said, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh is celebrating its centenary year in 2025. He called upon all the Karyakartas working in the field of education to work with dedication to achieve the goals set in the centenary year.
In this two-day program, various topics were discussed in eight kalansh , and decisions were taken for their implementation. Four dimensions like Vidwat Parishad, research, Sanskriti Bodh Project, and Purv Chhatra were discussed in detail. Along with this, topics like new education policy, district centre empowerment, annual plan, magazines, etc. were discussed. Senior RSS Functionary Gopal Prasad Mahapatra spoke on issues like Parivar Pravodhan, Swadeshi, and Paryavaran.
Dr Kishor Chandra Mohanty, Dr. Saroj Kumar Hati, Prasanna Kumar Biswal, Satya Narayan Patnaik, Dr Laxmikanta Maharana, Hemant Kumar Panigrahi, and Dr Tarulata Devi and other Pramukh Karyakartas guided the participants in different sessions in this two days programme.
More than 300 Pravasi Karyakartas and Purnakalik Karyakartas from Akhil Bharatiya level to Prant, Sambhag , district and sankul levels participated in this program.