In a disturbing incident in Bihar’s Jamui district, Mohammad Asif Ansari trapped a minor Hindu girl while playing the popular online game ‘Free Fire’ with her. The girl, aged 14, was lured to Asif’s home after he encouraged her to run away from her own. Villagers, sensing something suspicious, alerted the police, who subsequently recovered the minor from Asif’s residence.
The incident unfolded in the Jhajha area of Jamui, where Asif, a resident of Dhaba village, used the online gaming platform, Free Fire to entrap the minor girl from Siwan. Over time, Asif persuaded the girl to come to Jhajha, and on the night of June 20, 2024, she made her way to his home. The villagers, upon learning that the girl was Hindu, promptly informed the authorities.
Upon detaining both the accused and the victim for questioning, the police discovered that Asif had been playing Free Fire for three years. During this period, he established contact with the minor girl and gradually developed a relationship with her. The girl, who is an orphan, agreed to stay with him and travelled to Jhajha by train.
A report by Dainik Jagran revealed that this was not the first time the girl had attempted to run away. Previously, she had fled to Bengal, where she was apprehended by the local police and handed back to her family. Despite warnings to stay away from Asif, she maintained contact with him.
During the police interrogation, the minor girl confirmed that she had come into contact with Mohammad Asif Ansari through the online game Free Fire. Following his persuasion, she travelled to Jhajha. Station House Officer Sanjay Kumar stated that the 14-year-old girl had been lured to Jhajha and that her family, who reside in Siwan district, had been notified of her whereabouts.
In June 2023, Organiser reported a similar case from Uttar Pradesh’s Ghaziabad, where the minor son of a Jain family was manipulated by Islamists using the FORTNITE Application saying, that after offering Namaz the minor would be able to clear gaming levels.
Sharad Kumar Jain from Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, noticed his youngest son, Sanskar (name changed), behaving oddly. Sanskar, a minor, ignored requests to visit the temple and instead left home five times a day, claiming he was going to the gym. Suspicious, Sharad followed him and discovered Sanskar was going to a mosque to offer Namaz.
Confronted, Sanskar admitted he had embraced Islam, finding it more reasonable. He warned his father that he would move to the mosque if kicked out, having already spoken with the Maulana. Sharad’s investigation of Sanskar’s phone and laptop revealed texts, including copies of the Quran and controversial materials potentially linked to terror activities. Unable to control Sanskar, Sharad sought police assistance.
An FIR (number 434/2023) was filed at Kavi Nagar police station on May 30. Sharad reported that Sanskar had been following Islamic rituals and had been tracked to a mosque. Confronted, Sanskar confessed to his new faith.
Further investigation revealed that Sanskar had been influenced by a man named Baddo from Mumbai, whom he met via a gaming app. Baddo had sent Sanskar computer parts two years ago, with bills under the name Shahnawaz Khan Maqsood. Sanskar had also been in contact with others involved in a conversion scheme. The Ghaziabad police booked Baddo and the mosque’s cleric, Imam Abdul Rehman alias Nanni, under sections 3 and 5(1) of the Uttar Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act.
In a similar case reported by Organiser in September 2023, a Punjabi woman, after meeting Islamists via a gaming app, started practising Islam.
In Uttar Pradesh’s Kanpur district, a Punjabi man filed a complaint with the police, stating that his wife fell prey to Islamists through a gaming application. She has not only started practising Islam herself but is also pressuring other family members to do the same.
The man, identified as Ketan Saraf, a Bajrang Dal (Hindu organisation) karyakarta, claims his wife, Puja Saraf, was groomed by Islamists and became a victim of love jihad. According to the FIR, Ketan informed the police that his wife, Puja, came into contact with Chand Babu and Sohail through the online gaming application ‘4fun’.
Based on his complaint, the police have arrested two of the 11 accused mentioned in the FIR.
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