Uttar Pradesh, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has emphasised the swift implementation of the “One Family, One Identity” (Ek Parivar Ek Pahchan) scheme. This initiative seeks to provide every family in the state with a unique Family ID, facilitating better management and delivery of government benefits.
The “One Family, One Identity” scheme is designed to create a comprehensive and live database of family units across Uttar Pradesh. The scheme includes families who do not currently possess ration cards, ensuring universal coverage. By generating a unique Family ID for each household, the state aims to streamline the distribution of benefits, enhance transparency, and ensure timely delivery of welfare schemes to eligible beneficiaries.
The scheme is poised to benefit the entire population of Uttar Pradesh, which stands at approximately 25 crore. Around 15.07 crore people from 3.60 crore families are benefiting from the National Food Security Act (NFSA) 2013, using their ration card numbers as their Family IDs. Over 1 lakh families have already been issued Family IDs for those without ration cards.
Chief Minister Adityanath, in a recent review meeting, stated the importance of linking at least one member from each family to employment services. This directive is part of a broader strategy to provide adequate employment opportunities and ensure economic stability for all families in the state.
The Family ID initiative is integrated with 76 schemes and services run by both the Union and State Governments. The Chief Minister has directed officials to link all remaining beneficiary-oriented schemes to the Family ID. This integration will facilitate better management of these schemes, allowing for precise targeting and efficient benefit delivery.
To further enhance the scheme’s effectiveness, Adityanath emphasised the mandatory use of the Aadhaar application and authentication in the online application process for all beneficiary-oriented schemes and services. This measure is expected to increase the coverage and accuracy of the Family ID database.
In addition to welfare schemes, Aadhaar authentication will be made mandatory for new admissions in Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs), polytechnics, and other higher education institutions. These admissions will also be linked to the Family ID, ensuring comprehensive data integration and streamlined benefits.
The Chief Minister also instructed officials to avoid unnecessary delays in issuing caste and income certificates, which are crucial for accessing various government schemes. A passbook for each family will be prepared, detailing the benefits received from different schemes. Before issuing the passbook and Family ID, all family information must be properly certified, with cooperation from all relevant departments.
A government spokesperson highlighted that the Family ID initiative is a collective decision to create a robust and dynamic database of family units. This database will assist in the transparent and efficient management of welfare schemes, ensuring that benefits reach the intended recipients without delays or discrepancies.
Chief Minister Adityanath reiterated the collective nature of the decision-making process behind the Family ID scheme, emphasising that the initiative is a significant step towards achieving comprehensive welfare coverage and economic empowerment for all families in Uttar Pradesh.
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