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ASI Survey in Bhojshala: Murti of Bhagwan Krishna, stone symbols of kamal discovered from the campus

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The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has been conducting a survey for the last three months on the orders of the Indore High Court in the historical heritage Bhojshala, located in the Dhar district of Madhya Pradesh. During this, ancient remains and statues were taken out by removing the soil up to 25 feet below with the help of technology and the hard work of the workers. On June 20, 2024, i.e. on the 91st day of the survey, during the survey of this Bhojshala, a one and a half feet statue of Bhagwan Krishna was found on a black stone, along with two other antiquities. The officials of Bhojshala Mukti Yagna have claimed that there are symbols of Sanatan Dharma on these remains.

According to the information, ASI had excavated in the northern part of Bhojshala campus. During this time, they found a statue of Bhagwan Krishna in standing form. Apart from this, symbols mark Sanatan Dharma in one antiquity, while in the other, there are Yakshas on the right and left sides. All these symbols have been marked by ASI. Before the murti of Bhagwan Krishna in Bhojshala, remains of such stones have been found in which the symbols of the eight phases of the sun were made. These remains were of the size of 1×3.5 square feet.

The survey has been conducted here from Holi to the day of voting. During this survey, murtis and inscriptions were found continuously in the excavation. Indore High Court will hear the entire case on July 4. Before that, ASI is ready to get the evidence collected in the survey photographed and videographed.

It is known that the Hindu side has filed a petition in this regard that Bhojshala is the temple of their mother, Vagdevi. On the other hand, the Muslim side is speaking against the survey by calling it their religious place. In this case, the Indore High Court had given permission for the survey after the hearing on March 11. The survey started on March 22; on April 1, the Muslim side went to the Supreme Court to stop it; on April 29, the time limit for the survey was extended on the application of ASI, and the final report of the survey is to be presented in Indore High Court on July 4.

How Vagdevi Temple became Kamaluddin Mosque

It is worth noting that the Bhojshala dispute is a very old dispute. The Hindu side is of the opinion that this is the temple of Mother Saraswati which was established by King Bhoj between 1000-1055. Centuries ago, Muslim invaders violated its sanctity by building the tomb of Maulana Kamaluddin (who is accused of converting many Hindus to Islam by deceit) here, after which Muslims started visiting here and now it is used for Namaaz. However, the Hindu side says that this is their temple because even today, pictures of gods and goddesses and verses written in Sanskrit are clearly visible on its pillars. Apart from this, there are carvings on the walls which have two verses about Bhagwan Vishnu’s Kurma avatar.

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