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Bihar: Police arrest key accused in physical assault case of girl employees in Muzaffarpur

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Days after a video of a girl labelling charges of sexual exploitation and physical assault by staffs of a company who also kept her captivated allegedly for months gone viral, the Bihar police has now arrested the main accused in the case on June 18.

According to the information shared by the police, the accused identified as Tilak Kumar Singh has been nabbed by the police from Gorakhpur of Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday.

Tilak Singh, a resident of Mairwa of Siwan district was apprehended by the police in connection with a case registered in Ahiyapur police station of Muzaffarpur on June 2. The case was registered by the police after the victim girl approached the court labelling serious charges against the accused.

Briefing about the development, Awdesh Saroj Dikshit, Superintendent of police (Sp), Muzaffarpur informed that “a case was registered at Ahiyapur police station in which a woman had alleged that a few people had called her on pretext of job and sexually exploited her along with taking money from her. We had formed a team pertaining to the case and have arrested an accused named Tilak Kumar against whom allegations of sexual exploitation were made, the case is being investigated and we are working on it”.

The said company ‘DVR’ is a registered one and it deals in direct selling of medicines and herbal products via pyramid scheme. The company works on a pan India level and is operational for five-six years. It has lakhs of employees including boys and girls who are getting a proper salary, added Sp Dikshit.

Meanwhile police in a press release issued separately further informed that allegation pertaining to sexual exploitation in the case is still under investigation and so far physical assault of the boys and girls workers by the staff of the company has come to the fore during the probe.

It is to be noted that one of the victim girl in a viral video had earlier labelled serious charges against the CMD and other employees of the company. In the said video the girl had alleged that hundreds of girls have been kept in captivity while a few of them have been also assaulted physically after being promised lucrative job offers in the said company.

In the said video, the victim girl while narrating her ordeal had alleged that she got in touch with one of the employees of the company, Tilak Singh on Facebook, who instantly offered her a job with a handsome salary. The girl believed the word given by Tilak and joined the said company, she also deposited a training fee of Rs 20000.

However, upon joining the company the victim was forced to stay in a room with many other girls in Muzaffarpur and subsequently asked to bring up 50 more girls in the company by Tilak and company’s CMD. She was also promised that doing so will hike up her salary to around 50k.

She further has alleged that when she expressed her inability to bring up other girls in the company, she was subjected to physical violence by the accused.

The victim girl in the video further stated that girls known to her were then contacted by the company and similar lucrative package were also offered to them. She had further dislosed that in the meantime Tilak Singh started visiting her personally and force her into a physical relationship on pretext of marriage.

The victim was later moved to another accommodation in Hajipur after police raided a few premises in Bakhri of Muzaffarpur wher she was kept initially. According to the victim it was in Hajipur that the accused Tilak Singh married her forcibly and continued keeping her in captivity.

However, when the girl insisted to go home, she was asked by company’s CMD to visit Patna where the latter along with other accomplices wiped out all the data stored in the victim’s phone. The girl was then taken back to Muzaffarpur again from where she was asked to return to home.

The girl somehow mustered the courage and reported the whole incident to the police, however soon after the victim filed a police complaint, she was allegedly abducted by the accused from her home town and taken to Gorakhpur. She was further taken back to Muzaffarpur from where the girl somehow managed to escape and filed a complaint before the court.

Significantly a case against the said company had also been registered in the Ahiyapur police station last year, following which police had arrested as many as seven individuals in connection with the case.

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