The Telangana High Court on Friday issued notices to K.T. Rama Rao, the BRS working president and legislator, and others in response to two election petitions challenging his 2023 Assembly election win from Sircilla. The court directed him to file counter affidavits within four weeks.
Justice Namavarapu Rajeshwar Rao is handling a petition filed by K.K. Mahender Reddy, an advocate and Congress candidate who lost to Rama Rao. Additionally, Lagishetti Srinivas, a voter from Rajanna Sircilla, filed a separate petition challenging Rama Rao’s election. Srinivas alleges that Rama Rao’s affidavit to the Election Commission misleadingly stated that his son, K. Himanshu, was not dependent on him, listing only his wife and daughter as dependents.
Himanshu, who became a legal adult on July 12, 2023, purchased four acres of agricultural land in Shivaru Venkatapur village, Markook mandal, Siddipet, for ₹10.50 lakh. Additionally, he acquired 32 acres and 365 guntas in Erravelli, also in Markook mandal, Siddipet, for ₹88.15 lakh.
The source of Himanshu’s substantial funds remains unclear, raising questions about how he managed to acquire such wealth independently of his father. This crucial information was notably absent from the affidavit, according to the petitioner. In response, the judge reviewed the two petitions and issued notices to K.T. Rama Rao and other election officers. This development prompts further scrutiny: How did Himanshu secure these amounts, and why was this not disclosed in the official documentation?
Click here to download 2023 EC Affadavit: 2023 Affidavit:
In 2018, EC affidavit KTR gives his agriculture land more than 32 acres at Erravalli.
For 2018 click here :
In examining the election affidavits filed by K.T. Rama Rao in 2018 and 2023, several discrepancies have come to light, raising concerns about the accuracy and completeness of the provided information. In both cases, KTR mentions his source of income as salary as a politician and agriculture income.
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