Bollywood actor Kamaal Rashid Khan, popularly known as KRK, has been booked by Uttar Pradesh Police under the SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act for making derogatory comments about Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) chief Mayawati. The case was lodged at Deoband police station in Saharanpur after KRK’s offensive remarks on social media triggered massive outrage across the country.
KRK’s contentious comments came in a social media post on June 5, where he derogatorily referred to Mayawati, saying, “Who is Behan Ji? Ask her to clean the toilets. Only this is her aukaat (status).” These remarks led to widespread condemnation, prompting Sushil Kumar, former BSP president from the Deoband assembly seat, to file a complaint.
Police have charged KRK under IPC sections 500 (punishment for defamation) and 509 (intent to insult the modesty of a woman), along with relevant sections of the SC/ST Act. SSP Saharanpur Vipin Tada confirmed that the police have received screenshots of KRK’s posts and have initiated an investigation.
The offensive remarks outraged the Dalit community and resulted in the expulsion of KRK’s brother, Majid Ali, from the BSP. Majid, who had contested the 2024 Lok Sabha elections from Saharanpur on a BSP ticket and finished third, was dismissed after the controversy.
Superintendent of Police (Rural) Sagar Jain detailed the charges, stating, “Bollywood actor Kamal Rashid Khan, known as KRK, has been charged under IPC sections 500, 509, and the SC/ST Act at Deoband Police Station for allegedly making derogatory remarks against Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) President Mayawati.”
KRK’s inflammatory comments continued as he accused Mayawati of blaming the Muslim community for her party’s poor performance in the general elections. He criticised her leadership and accused her of failing to secure the Muslim vote, further inciting public outrage.
KRK specifically targeted Mayawati’s remarks about the Muslim community’s role in the BSP’s electoral performance. He stated, “Neither does any Muslim want a ticket from your cheap party nor does any Muslim want to vote for you. Now sit at home and dream of becoming a CM! Now you will not get a chance to loot the country again.” He accused Mayawati of using the Muslim community as a scapegoat for her party’s failures and asserted that Muslims are free to vote for any party they choose.
Mayawati, in her defence, had earlier conveyed that despite giving proper representation to the Muslim community in past elections, including the recent Lok Sabha polls, the community had not fully supported the BSP, leading to significant losses. She indicated that future decisions on Muslim representation in the party would be made cautiously to avoid further electoral setbacks.
KRK, known for its provocative social media presence, responded defiantly to the backlash. He insisted that his statements were personal opinions and not influenced by his brother’s political career. He also reiterated that he had left India and had no plans to return, emphasising that his comments were independent of his brother’s political journey.
KRK tweeted, “Since I have left India forever, so now I will never visit my village again. My children live in London and they haven’t seen my village, neither planning to see in future. So basically my statements have nothing to do with my brother’s political journey. All the best to him.”
KRK’s controversial remarks are not new. He was previously arrested at Mumbai airport in 2023 while travelling to Dubai. At the time, he claimed his arrest was politically motivated and linked to a 2016 case involving Bollywood star Salman Khan. Following his arrest, KRK publicly apologised to Salman Khan and announced he would no longer review his films.
Despite the recent electoral setbacks, Mayawati responded to the controversy by reiterating the importance of the Muslim community within the BSP. She emphasised the party’s commitment to representing all marginalised communities and urged restraint and respect in political discourse.
The incident has sparked a broader conversation about the responsibilities of public figures on social media and the impact of their words on public sentiment. The UP Police’s swift action reflects the seriousness with which such derogatory and inflammatory remarks are being treated, especially when they target prominent leaders and sensitive communities.
As the investigation progresses, the authorities must take stringent measures to address the issue and ensure justice. The incident underscores the need for respectful and inclusive dialogue in the political and public spheres.