The Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) arrested four Bangladeshi nationals living in Mumbai with fake documents. ATS has identified five more Bangladeshis, and they are being searched. ATS has revealed that the accused also voted in Lok Sabha elections as they obtained voter ID cards based on fake citizenship documents. The accused lived illegally in different parts of Mumbai for a long time with fake documents.
Mumbai ATS arrested 4 Bangladeshi nationals living in Mumbai with fake documents, 5 more Bangladeshis have been identified by ATS, and they are being searched. ATS has revealed that the accused had also voted in Lok Sabha elections as they also obtained voter ID cards based on…
— ANI (@ANI) June 11, 2024
According to the ATS, based on a tip-off, officers from the Juhu unit of the ATS arrested four men in Mumbai recently. Their names are Riyaz Hussain Shaikh (33), Sultan Siddhiaue Shaikh (54), Ibrahim Shafiulla Shaikh (44), and Faruque Usmangani Shaikh (39). They all come from the Noakhali district in Bangladesh. Riyaz works as an electrician, Sultan drives a rickshaw, Ibrahim sells vegetables, and Faruque’s job isn’t mentioned.
“The accused, natives of Bangladesh, lived in different parts of the city. They had entered the country illegally several years ago, he said. Investigations revealed that the accused used forged documents stating they were residents of Surat, Gujarat, to obtain Indian passports from Gujarat,” said an official.
The official added, “Apart from those arrested, it has come to light that five more persons had similarly obtained passports, and one of them travelled to Saudi Arabia for work, he said. The probe also revealed that some of the men voted in the recent elections with the help of these passports.”
The ATS has registered a case against the quartet under sections 34 (acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention), 465 (forgery), 468 (forgery for purpose of cheating), and 471 (using genuine a forged) of the Indian Penal Code. The official said the arrested accused have been remanded in police custody, and a probe is underway to find out if they were involved in terror-related activities.