In a historic turn of events, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) announced on June 11 Mohan Charan Majhi as the new Chief Minister of Odisha. Majhi, a four-time MLA and prominent tribal leader. Majhi will be taking the oath of office on Wednesday, June 12, 2024.
Along with Majhi, the BJP has selected KV Singh Deo and Pravati Parida as deputy Chief Ministers. This leadership team reflects the party’s strategy to balance experience and representation across different demographics and regions within the state.
Know who is Mohan Charan Majhi
Mohan Charan Majhi is a seasoned politician and a grassroots leader from the Keonjhar district. He has a rich political history marked by his unwavering dedication to public service and his strong organisational skills. At 52, he stands out as one of the youngest leaders among the prominent candidates for the Chief Ministerial position.
Majhi’s academic credentials include higher secondary education from Jhumpura High School, followed by intermediate studies at Anandapur College. He furthered his education with a BA from Chandra Sekhar College, Champua, and an LLB from Dhenkanal Law College.
Regarded as a non-controversial figure, Mohan Charan Majhi is known for his unwavering loyalty to the BJP and his exceptional organisational skills. His extensive involvement within the Odisha state unit of the BJP, coupled with his strong affiliation with the RSS, has greatly contributed to his political growth.
Majhi’s political journey began at the village level where he served as a sarpanch (village council chief) from 1997 to 2000. His dedication and ability to connect with the masses, particularly in tribal regions, earned him a significant following. He has held the Keonjhar Assembly seat since 2019, and his recent victory in the 2024 Assembly election by a margin of 11,000 votes is a testament to his popularity and effectiveness as a leader.
Throughout his career, Majhi has played pivotal roles within the BJP and the state government. He was the Chief Whip of the BJP Legislative Party and has been instrumental in shaping the party’s election strategies. He also served as the Deputy Chief Whip during the coalition government of the Biju Janata Dal (BJD) and BJP from 2005 to 2009. His work with the State Adivasi Morcha and the Standing Committee of S.C. & S.T. under the ORV Act highlights his commitment to tribal and marginalised communities.
Mohan Charan Majhi’s ascension to the Chief Ministerial post signifies a new chapter for Odisha under BJP leadership. His deep roots in the community, coupled with his extensive political experience, position him as a leader capable of steering the state towards growth and development. With the support of his deputies, KV Singh Deo and Pravati Parida, Majhi is expected to bring fresh energy and perspective to the governance of Odisha.
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