A disturbing video circulating on social media has captured a shocking incident in Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh. The video shows a man identified as Salman, riding a motorcycle and spanking a girl on the street before fleeing the scene. The footage, which quickly went viral, shows Salman wearing shorts as he slaps the girl’s buttocks from behind and speeds away, leaving her standing in shock. This incident resembles to the eve-teasing of a Hindu Jat girl in the locality which lead to communal clashes back in 2013.
According to media reports, the incident took place on June 7 and the police acted swiftly and arrested Salman hours after the incident. He is currently in custody. Local sources have revealed that Salman is a habitual offender, notorious for carrying a bottle of acid to intimidate girls. He has reportedly been harassing girls in the area for the past three months.
Reacting to the viral video, Muzaffarnagar police took to X (formerly Twitter) to assure the public of their prompt action. “In the related case, a case has been registered by Civil Lines Police Station under relevant sections and meaningful efforts are being made to arrest the accused. The arrest of the accused will be ensured soon,” the police stated.
The video sparked outrage on social media, with netizens demanding immediate and strict action against Salman. One user, @veeru1006, urged the police to ensure Salman faces severe consequences, stating, “Muzaffarnagar police is requested to treat him properly; this beast should not be able to stand on his feet for at least a few months.” Another user, @SunilKu95601251, expressed frustration over the lack of safety and called for community action, saying, “For how long will we keep fearing him? If the administration is not taking any action, then the local people should catch him and punish him so that he cannot dare to do such a thing.”
The incident has raised serious concerns about women’s safety in the area and highlighted the need for stronger measures to prevent such offences.
Muzaffarnagar Riots
It is notable that the incident took place in the same colony, which is prone to communal tensions and the riot of 2013 took place there only. That clash also arose from an incident of eve-teasing.
On August 21, 2013, communal clashes erupted in Muzaffarnagar, resulting in police registering cases against 150 people and taking 14 into custody. Tensions between Hindus and Muslims in Shamli and Muzaffarnagar escalated by August 27. The cause of the riots is disputed, with two main narratives: one attributes it to a minor traffic accident, while the other cites an eve-teasing incident involving a Hindu Jat girl allegedly harassed by a Muslim youth, Shahnawaz Qureshi. In retaliation, the girl’s relatives, Sachin and Gaurav Singh, killed Shahnawaz and were subsequently lynched by a Muslim mob.
Police arrested eleven members of the girl’s family, but locals claimed that the police did not act against the killers of the Hindu brothers. FIRs registered for the deaths presented differing accounts, with no mention of sexual harassment in the FIR related to Shahnawaz’s murder. Both communities engaged in violence following the news of the killings. Authorities deployed Provincial Armed Constabulary personnel to restore order.
In September 2013, fresh riots erupted, resulting in the deaths of 11 people, including TV journalist Rajesh Verma, and injuring more than 34. An indefinite curfew was imposed, and the army was deployed to maintain law and order.
Shahbaz, Arbaz and others crushed Nancy
On September 19, 2023, a detailed report by Organiser reported a tragic incident in Ambedkar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, drawing attention to the often-ignored crimes of eve teasing, stalking, and street molestation. Such crimes have repeatedly claimed the lives of innocent girls and women across the country. One such heartbreaking case involved a minor girl from Ambedkar Nagar, who lost her life following an accident related to street molestation on September 15.
A widely circulated video on social media captured the horrifying incident. In the footage, boys on motorcycles were seen following two girls riding bicycles. As they approach, one of the boys snatches the dupatta of a schoolgirl, causing her to stumble and fall off her cycle. Tragically, another motorcyclist ran over her, leading to fatal injuries.
In response to the incident, the Uttar Pradesh police launched a swift operation and apprehended the accused, some of whom sustained bullet injuries during the encounter. The state’s Chief Minister, Yogi Adityanath, made a strong statement, saying, “Those involved in such activities should get ready to meet Yamraj.”
The accused were identified as Shahbaz, son of Jamaal from Harsamhar village, Arbaz, also son of Jamaal from Harsamhar village, and Mohammed Faisal from Aaribpur village. Shahbaz and Arbaz were responsible for snatching the girl’s dupatta, while Faisal ran over her with his bicycle.
The victim, identified as Nancy Verma, was a 17-year-old class 12 student from the backward Kurmi jati. Her father, Sabhajeet Verma, expressed his grief and frustration in media interactions, revealing that only three of the accused had been arrested, with one still at large. The fourth suspect, Mohammad Munnu, son of Salim, remains free.
Nancy’s sister and cousin, who were with her on the day of the incident, told the media that the accused had been harassing not only Nancy but other girls from their school as well. The stalkers would follow them to their homes, creating a climate of fear and insecurity among the students.
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