Uttar Pradesh government, led by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, has taken some concrete steps which are aimed at the development as well as the welfare of people. Keeping in mind the interests of the farmers, women, and MNREGA employees,
CM Yogi Adityanth has ordered the setting up of the women’s protection home at the commissionerate level in all 75 districts. The objective of these homes is to ensure the safety of women so that they do not face any problems. While addressing the officials, Yogi Adityanth said, “Women’s protection homes should be made functional at the commissionerate level. It should be expanded to all 75 districts in a phased manner. NGOs for shelter homes should be selected with the utmost care.”
Speaking about protecting the interests of the farmers, CM Adityanth ordered that the officials take swift measures to clear the farmers dues ahead of the crushing of the sugarcane.
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While addressing the officials, he said, “Before the start of the new sugarcane crushing season, all the dues of the previous season should be paid. Sugarcane should be made available only to those mills that have a good payment record.”
Also, CM Yogi Aditaynath stressed clearing the dues of the MNREGA employees. He added, “There should be no delay in the payment of wages to MNREGA workers. Maintain continuous communication with the Government of India.”
The steps taken by UP’s Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath indicate that the incumbent government puts the interests of serving the people paramount.Recently, in the Lok Sabha Elections 2024, the Bharatiya Janata Party suffered a setback in one of the largest states as it merely secured 32 seats from Uttar Pradesh. This came as a jolt for the party, as in 2019, it had won 63 Lok Sabha seats.
The decision taken by CM Yogi Adityanth at the meeting with government officials clearly indicates that it is on the path of course correction and wants to leave no stone unturned so as to turn the table in its favour.
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