On June 5, tragedy struck as a devastating fire engulfed the historic Shiv Mandir, also known as the Rani Mandir, situated in the picturesque town of Gulmarg, Jammu & Kashmir. Despite the swift efforts of locals and police, the revered Mandir, a cherished symbol of cultural heritage, could not be saved. The exact cause of the fire remains unknown, leaving the devotees stunned and grieving the loss of a significant religious and tourist landmark.
The Rani Mandir, dedicated to Bhagwan Shiv and nestled atop a small hillock, held deep historical and cultural significance. It served as a royal Mandir of the Dogra dynasty, which once ruled the erstwhile princely state of Jammu & Kashmir. The mandir’s allure extended beyond its religious importance, as it was frequented by tourists drawn to its architectural splendour and serene surroundings. Moreover, it gained prominence in popular culture and was featured in several Bollywood films, including the iconic song “Jai Jai Shiv Shankar” from “Aap Ki Kasam”.
Constructed in 1915 by Mohini Bai Sisodia, wife of Maharaja Hari Singh, the Mandir stood as a testament to the region’s rich heritage. Managed by the Dharmarth Trust and under the stewardship of the erstwhile royal family, the Mandir welcomed visitors daily, offering them the opportunity to participate in morning and evening aarti (holy fire rituals) from 6 am to 9 pm.
The tragic incident has left the local devotees and devotees in mourning, with social media flooded with images of the once-majestic Mandir consumed by flames. Journalist Aditya Raj Kaul lamented the loss, sharing before-and-after pictures of the historic site, evoking sorrow among the masses.
In 2021, the Indian Army, in collaboration with locals, undertook the renovation of the 106-year-old Shiva Mandir in Gulmarg, emphasising its importance in preserving Kashmir’s cultural heritage.
However, in recent years, Gulmarg’s pristine charm has been marred by illegal constructions, with concerns raised about encroachments near the mandir premises. The unfortunate blaze serves as a poignant reminder of the need for stricter regulations to safeguard Gulmarg’s cultural and environmental integrity.
While authorities continue to investigate the cause of the fire, the loss of the historic Shiv mandir has left an indelible void on Gulmarg’s cultural landscape, underscoring the urgent need to preserve and protect the region’s architectural treasures for future generations.