In a historic turn of events, the “None of the Above” (NOTA) option emerged as the runner-up in the Indore Lok Sabha constituency during the recently concluded 2024 elections. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate Shankar Lalwani secured a commanding victory with over 78 per cent of the vote share, amassing a record-breaking 1,223,746 votes. This marks the largest victory margin for any candidate in the current election cycle.
Official data from the Election Commission of India (ECI) reveals that Shankar Lalwani received 78.54 per cent of the total votes cast. In an unprecedented development, NOTA garnered 14 per cent of the votes, translating to 218,355 votes, placing it in the second position. The Bahujan Samaj Party’s candidate, Sanjay, came in third with 49,277 votes, accounting for 3.29 per cent of the total.
A significant political drama unfolded prior to the election. The Congress party, part of the I.N.D.I. Alliance, had initially fielded Akshya Kanti Bam as their candidate against BJP’s incumbent MP Lalwani. However, in a surprising move on April 29th, Bam, accompanied by senior BJP leader and Minister Kailash Vijayvargiya, withdrew his nomination and subsequently joined the BJP.
In response, the Madhya Pradesh Congress announced they would campaign for NOTA instead of endorsing any remaining candidates. This strategic shift was aimed at allowing voters to express their dissatisfaction with the available choices. Indore voters went to the polls on May 13th, with a voter turnout of approximately 61.75% from an electorate of 2,527,000.
For those unfamiliar, NOTA provides voters the option to reject all candidates in a constituency. According to the Press Trust of India (PTI), aside from Indore, the Gopalganj constituency in Bihar recorded the highest number of NOTA votes at 51,660, representing about 5 per cent of the total votes cast.
Meanwhile, the BJP, along with its National Democratic Alliance (NDA) partners, is poised to form the government for a third consecutive term, having swept all 29 seats in Madhya Pradesh. This decisive victory underscores the party’s dominance in the state and its robust organisational strength.
The 2024 elections have thus marked a significant moment in Indian electoral history, highlighting voter sentiment and the evolving dynamics of political allegiance.