BJP-baiters have been propagating since the last several decades that Lotus will never bloom in Kerala. And, they had justification to say it. Apart from the entry of O. Rajagopal into the Kerala Legislative Assembly in 2016, the state assembly has never seen a BJP face in its history. And, BJP could not send an MLA to the assembly in 2021. Both CPM-led Left Democratic Front (LDF) and the Congress-led United Democratic Front (UDF) made it a point to ridicule the BJP, Hindutwa, and nationalist forces as a band of men that Keralites keep on rejecting. Only compassion for the party was the control of some panchayats and municipalities here and there.
But, this time, wind blows in a different direction. BJP is all set to have a Kerala representative in the next Lok Sabha. Matinee idol and BJP leader Suresh Gopi’s win is sure. His lead at 1.27pm is 74,517. K. Muraleedharan, sitting MP from Vadakara and a stalwart in Congress politics in the state, appears to be landing up in the miserable third position. CPI leader V.S. Sunilkumar is likely to be the runner up. Suresh Gopi’s victory is going to be a watershed one. It establishes the fact that BJP is going to conquer Kerala in the near future. It will change the mindset of a large of voters to ‘vote for the winners, that is UDF or LDF candidate’ as BJP is always a failing party. If it is going to happen, it will make lot of difference in the next assembly elections which is scheduled to take place in 2026. It will be a game changer in the arena of Kerala election politics.
Observers believe that Suresh Gopi will not be alone to board the aircraft to Delhi for swearing in as a Lok Sabha member. Rajiv Chandrasekhar, the BJP candidate from Thiruvananthapuram is likely to sit next to him in the plane as well as the Parliament House. His lead over Sasi Taroor is 15228 at the moment. Apparently during the entire counting session, Taroor has never crossed the lead of 2000. Therefore, there is every chance for a Lotus bloom in Thiruvananthauram. If it happens, BJP will be having a minimum of two Lok Saha MPs from Kerala.
UDF is likely to maintain the 2019 tally. But, CPM, despite its tall claims looks like going to satisfy with a single seat like in 2019.