The Tamil Nadu government has called on the public to report any instances of breast milk being sold at exorbitant prices in medical shops, following the recent discovery of a shop engaged in this illegal activity. Acting on a tip-off, food safety officials raided a medical shop in Madhavaram and found 90 bottles of breast milk, each containing 100 ml, being sold at high prices.
On May 21, the Thiruvallur district wing of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) received complaints that breast milk was being sold at Rs. 500 per 100 ml bottle at the Life Vaccine Store in KKR Gardens, Madhavaram. A team of officials, led by Designated Food Safety Officer Dr. M. Jagadeesh Chandra Bose, inspected the shop on May 27 and discovered the illicit stock of breast milk.
Dr. Bose stated, “When we inspected the shop, we found 90 bottles that were pasteurised, branded, and labelled, while others had mothers’ names and dates written on them.” The shop owner, Sembian Muthiah, who has been arrested, did not have the necessary licence to sell breast milk. Muthiah claimed that his license to sell protein powder extended to breast milk due to its high protein content.
Following the raid, officials sent the samples to the Food Analysis Laboratory in Guindy for testing. The shop was sealed, and the owner’s licence was cancelled. The food safety department has lodged a complaint with local police for the illegal sale of breast milk without obtaining necessary approvals under the Food Safety and Standards (FSS) Act.
Authorities noted discrepancies in Muthiah’s account. He claimed the milk was pasteurised at a private dairy farm, but the farm owner denied involvement. Muthiah also stated the milk was supplied to a hospital providing fertility treatment, which also denied his claim.
On May 27, the FSSAI emphasized that the processing and selling of human milk are not permitted under the FSS Act of 2006. The agency advised states to strictly monitor and ensure that all activities related to the commercialization of human milk and its products are halted.
the Tamil Nadu Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) officials have arrested Sembian Muthiah, the owner of a medical shop in Madhavaram, for illegally selling breast milk. The shop, which was found storing and selling 90 bottles of 100 ml breast milk at exorbitant prices, has been sealed, and a complaint lodged with the police.
Muthiah has been booked under the FSS Act and could face fines up to Rs. 5 lakh, with or without imprisonment. The case is expected to come before the District Revenue Officer (DRO) soon. Dr. M. Jagadeesh Chandra Bose, Designated Food Safety Officer, emphasised the importance of breast milk for infants, noting, “For up to six months of age, exclusive breast milk is the gold standard of nutrition. It ensures superior absorption of nutrients, including those crucial for brain development. The next best option for the child is to source breast milk from an authorised bank.”
In Tamil Nadu, both state and private hospitals run authorised breast milk banks. Officials highlighted that breast milk should be collected, processed, and stored in sterile conditions to ensure it is safe for infants.
Dr. Satheesh Kumar P, Designated Food Safety Officer for Chennai, appealed to the public to report any instances of breast milk being sold. He warned of the potential risks involved in commercially sold breast milk, including bacterial contamination from improper processing, storage, and handling. The FSSAI has provided dedicated phone numbers (94440 42322 and 94448 11717) for the public to report such violations.
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