Prime Minister Narendra Modi marked the conclusion of a strenuous Lok Sabha poll campaign by arriving in Kanniyakumari on May 30. He started his 45-hour meditation retreat at the iconic Vivekananda Rock Memorial. Ahead of his visit, a 33-year-old picture of him at the Ekta Yatra surfaced on social media, creating a buzz among the netizens.
These photos, dated December 11, 1991, are from the Ekta Yatra, a significant event that started at the Vivekananda Rock Memorial in Kanniyakumari and concluded in Kashmir.
The viral images showcase Narendra Modi alongside party veteran Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi and other participants of the Ekta Yatra, collectively known as ‘Ekta Yatris.’ They are seen paying their respects at the statue of Swami Vivekananda, highlighting the historical and spiritual significance of the memorial.
The viral picture has created a stir on social media, with people sharing it widely and expressing their admiration for PM Modi’s journey from a young party worker to the Prime Minister of India.
The emergence of these photos has added a nostalgic layer to PM Modi’s visit, reminding the public of his longstanding connection to the Vivekananda Rock Memorial. The Ekta Yatra was a pivotal moment in Indian political history, symbolising national unity and solidarity.
As PM Modi embarked on his meditation retreat, the resurfaced images have sparked widespread interest and discussion on social media, illustrating the enduring legacy of the Ekta Yatra and the continued reverence for Swami Vivekananda’s teachings.
The Ekta Yatra, spanning 14 states, aimed to send a powerful message of national unity and resilience against terrorism. The journey resonated deeply with the people, showcasing India’s unwavering commitment to standing united against divisive forces.
During his current visit, PM Modi is meditating at Dhyan Mandapam, the spot where Swami Vivekananda meditated in 1892, attaining a vision for a developed India. The Rock Memorial Monument honours the Hindu philosopher-saint, who is revered for his contributions to Indian philosophy and spirituality.
PM Modi’s meditation retreat in Kanniyakumari mirrors a similar spiritual journey he undertook after the 2019 Lok Sabha polls. His visit to Uttarakhand, where he meditated in a cave near the Kedarnath shrine, drew global attention and highlighted his deep spiritual connection.
His current visit underscores his deep-rooted connection to India’s cultural and spiritual heritage, further amplified by the historical context of the Ekta Yatra.
The resurgence of these photos adds a nostalgic layer to his visit, reminding the public of his long-standing dedication to national unity and the teachings of Swami Vivekananda.