A school for girls in Shakhimar village, located in Razmak sub-division in North Waziristan, was burned to ashes on the night of May 27. This is the third such incident reported in different parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province,, wherein the educational institution for girls was targeted in May. Most reports in Pakistani newspapers said that it will affect the education of at least 400 girls who used to go to this school.
According to the police, who gave details about the incident on May 28, miscreants sprinkled kerosene oil on the school building before putting it on fire. Most of the infrastructure of the school, including its furniture, ceiling and computers, was reduced to ashes soon thereafter. Due to the sprinkling of kerosene, the fire in the premises spread very rapidly and gutted the whole school building. The school, called Golden Arrow Public School, was patronised by Pakistan Army. It had been set up with help from Pakistan Army’s Seventh Division and Shakhimar Welfare Society, a report said.
The burning down of the schools for girls was mentioned by Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faez Isa during the hearing of a case at the Supreme Court regarding alleged blasphemy. The CJP specifically mentioned the arson at the Shakhimar village during his comments.)
It was not the first time that this school was targeted, as in March, two months ago, unidentified armed men had fired at the school, damaging the solar system installed in the premises. There was widespread condemnation of the burning down of the school by the local people and they demanded its immediate reconstruction. It needs to be mentioned here that suspected militants blew up a private school for girls in Shewa tehsil in North Waziristan on May 10.
No individual or organisation has claimed responsibility for the recent attack just as earlier and no claims were made from any quarters. The police said they suspect the involvement of a man who recently had a dispute with the owner of the school and were trying to arrest him. Incidentally, hardliner Islamists operating in these areas are opposed to the education of women.
North Waziristan is considered an area in which Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) are gaining wider control. It seems the establishment of Taliban rule in the neighbouring Afghanistan has helped TTP carry out their radical Islamist policies in KP. North Waziristan had at one time served as a headquarters for al-Qaeda as also Taliban. About 15 years ago, many schools meant for girls were bombed in Waziristan and Swat.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training has written to the KP regarding the destruction of schools by miscreants. It has demanded prompt action against the perpetrators, saying the Federal government wanted the schools to be reconstructed.
The Federal Education Secretary has written a letter to the KP chief secretary and expressed grave concern over the recent incidents of torching of schools in the merged districts. “It is particularly disheartening to note that these heinous acts of terrorism are disproportionately targeting institutions dedicated to girls’ education,” the letter said.
“The federal government is deeply alarmed by these developments, which not only endanger the lives of our children but also threaten the progress we have made in promoting education and gender equality in these regions,” it said.
“I propose the establishment of a joint task force comprising federal and provincial representatives to develop a comprehensive plan for the reconstruction of damaged schools and the enhancement of security measures across the region,” the letter said.