The Bhagwant Mann-led Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government in Punjab has taken a controversial step by halting the telecast of the Zee News channel across the state on May 28. This media blackout occurred without any formal notification from the Punjab government. Residents and viewers in Punjab have confirmed that they are no longer able to access the channel. Both the viewers and Zee Media have criticised this action, labelling it as ‘dictatorial’ and drawing parallels to press restrictions imposed during the Emergency era in Bharat.
In an unprecedented and sudden move, the Punjab government has not only targeted Zee News but has also reportedly blacked out all channels under the Zee Media umbrella, including regional language channels in Hindi, English, and Punjabi.
Zee News, a prominent Hindi news channel known for its bold journalism, sees this action as an attempt to stifle dissenting voices, especially as the state approaches the Lok Sabha polls. Zee Media claims that the blackout is a reaction to their persistent coverage of social issues and governance failures in Punjab.
Such actions are reminiscent of the Emergency period in Bharat, when the government attempted to suppress media freedom, a move that ultimately backfired. History shows that attempts to silence the fourth pillar of democracy—the press—have often led to negative consequences for the ruling authorities.
Zee Media Corporation Limited (ZMCL) operates a significant portfolio, including 14 television news channels, 5 digital news channels, 7 news apps, and 32 digital properties, indicating the broad impact of this partial blackout.
Reacting to the situation, BJP leader Jawahar Yadav spoke to Zee News, asserting, “It is clear that media is not allowed to show the truth in Punjab without the approval of the Aam Aadmi Party-led state government.” He called on those who criticise media outlets as “Godi Media” to voice their opinions on this alleged censorship by the Punjab government. As of now, the AAP-led Punjab Government has not issued any official statement regarding the matter.
This media blackout adds to the growing scrutiny faced by the Bhagwant Mann-led government. On May 27, BJP’s Tajinder Bagga released a video accusing AAP minister Balkar Singh of sexually exploiting a 21-year-old job seeker during a video call, further fueling the controversy.
The Punjab government’s decision to blackout Zee Media channels comes just days before the state is set to vote in the final phase of the Lok Sabha Elections on June 1, 2024. The results of the General Elections are expected to be announced on June 4, 2024.