Tamil Nadu BJP Chief Annamalai has strongly criticised actor Prakash Raj for his recent comments targeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Speaking out against Raj’s remarks made during the Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi (VCK) award ceremony, Annamalai accused the actor of making it his “full-time job to insult Modi”
The controversy erupted during the annual ‘Ambedkar Sudar’ award ceremony, organised by the VCK and held at the Kamarajar Arangam in Teynampet, Chennai, on May 25, 2024. Actor Prakash Raj, while accepting the award, expressed concerns about his future in the absence of Modi’s leadership, stating that he feared uncertainty. He also highlighted his apprehensions about the country’s future had Dr. B.R. Ambedkar not drafted the constitution.
In a scathing attack on PM Modi, Prakash Raj criticised the Prime Minister for being out of touch with the people’s struggles and referred to him as a “fascist” and a “dictator.” The actor went on to make controversial remarks, likening Modi to a “test tube baby” and mocking his perceived disconnect from the realities faced by ordinary citizens.
Annamalai condemned Prakash Raj’s remarks, denouncing them as disrespectful and unwarranted. The TN BJP Chief emphasised that such derogatory comments against the Prime Minister were unacceptable and urged Prakash Raj to refrain from indulging in personal attacks.
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விசிக விருதுகள் வழங்கும் விழாவில் அம்பேத்கர் சுடர் விருது பெற்ற பின் நடிகர் பிரகாஷ் ராஜ் பேச்சு.#SunNews | #VCKAwards | #Modi | @prakashraaj pic.twitter.com/GAFnPcba6G
— Sun News (@sunnewstamil) May 25, 2024
During his speech at the Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi (VCK) award ceremony on May 25, 2024, Prakash Raj expressed his lack of fear towards the Prime Minister’s leadership, asserting that opposition is necessary to prevent his return to power. He labelled Modi as a product of Hitler and warned against the long-lasting impact of leaders like him.
Raj emphasised the importance of resisting authoritarianism and fascism, urging society to take steps to prevent the resurgence of leaders like Modi. He criticised the Prime Minister’s policies and highlighted the need for unity among opposition forces.
In his speech, Raj also addressed issues of minority rights and education, calling for the protection and empowerment of marginalised communities. He underscored the responsibility of the majority to ensure the well-being of minority groups, emphasising the collective societal impact of discrimination and injustice.
However, Raj’s remarks have sparked controversy, with some criticising his language and rhetoric. His characterization of Modi as a dictator and his comments on minority rights have elicited mixed reactions from various quarters.
"டெபாசிட் இழந்தவர் பிரகாஷ்ராஜ்"
"பிரகாஷ்ராஜ் நல்ல நடிகர், ஆனால் எதிர்ப்பதை மட்டுமே வழக்கமாக வைத்திருக்கிறார்"
"2019 பெங்களூர் மத்திய தொகுதியில் டெபாசிட் இழந்தவர், அரசியலில் அவரது அனுபவம் அவ்வளவுதான்" – பிரகாஷ் ராஜை விமர்சித்த அண்ணாமலை #Annamalai #BJP #PrakashRaj #Election… pic.twitter.com/UIDjwMiYYt
— Thanthi TV (@ThanthiTV) May 27, 2024
Talking to media persons in Chennai on May 27, Annamalai said, “I don’t respect Prakash Raj’s voice in politics. His political experience consists of losing his deposit in the Bengaluru Central constituency. Actor Prakash Raj lost his deposit in the Bengaluru Central constituency. While I respect him as an actor, I don’t respect his political opinions. His political experience is limited to losing his deposit. He has made it his full-time job to insult Modi, so we don’t take him seriously. Some people are twisting PM Modi’s words as divine. If Prime Minister Modi speaks without understanding what he is saying in Hindi, what will be the result?”