On May 26, a significant incident unfolded in Haldwani as authorities arrested Saif Ali, who has been accused of using a false Hindu identity to ensnare a Hindu woman in a romantic relationship. The arrest, made by Haldwani Police, stemmed from information provided by Hindu activist groups.
Saif Ali was arrested at a private hotel near the Railway station in the Lalkuan Nagar area. It was here that he had booked a room using a Hindu name, Sukhwinder Singh, utilising a fabricated ID card. However, upon police interrogation, his true identity as a Muslim named Saif Ali emerged, unravelling the deception.
According to media accounts, Saif Ali had lodged at the Avan Hotel, near the Railway station in the Lalkuan Kotwali vicinity. Suspicions arose when Hindu activist groups received intelligence suggesting the presence of a Muslim youth with a Hindu woman at the hotel, prompting them to alert police.
Upon arriving at the scene, the police officials checked the hotel register, exposing Saif Ali’s fraudulent act of registering under a false Hindu identity. The subsequent revelation of his true identity led to his immediate arrest. Saif Ali hails from Lalpur in the Kichha Kotwali area of Udham Singh Nagar district.
Reports indicate that Saif Ali had transported the Hindu woman to the Lalkuan area on a Bullet motorcycle. Originating from the Dineshpur police station area, the woman was brought into police questioning, where she discovered the true religious affiliation of the individual she had accompanied, learning that he had deceived her by posing as a Hindu.
The families of both parties were duly informed by the police. While the woman’s family opted not to press charges, legal action was taken against Saif Ali, with his motorcycle confiscated.
Hindu activist Kamal Muni Joshi raised concerns over the potential involvement of Saif Ali in a larger scheme and urged authorities to conduct a thorough investigation.
In response, Lalkuan police station in-charge Dinesh Fartyal confirmed that the families of the individuals involved were contacted. He also noted negligence on the part of the hotel operator for failing to verify ID proof prior to room allocation, indicating impending repercussions for the operator.
As the investigation progresses, Saif Ali remains in police custody, undergoing interrogation.
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