
Assam: Over 14,000 drugs smugglers arrested and Rs 2,166 crore worth seizures by CM Himanta Biswa Sarma-led govt

Published by
Dibya Kamal Bordloi

Guwahati: In a concerted effort to combat the pervasive drug menace, Assam has witnessed the arrest of a staggering 14,593 drug smugglers and peddlers over the past three years. The campaign, spearheaded by Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, underscores the state’s commitment to eradicating the scourge of drugs that has long plagued its communities.

Since assuming office in Dispur on May 10, 2021, CM Sarma has declared an unwavering war on drugs, resulting in the seizure of contraband worth more than Rs 2,166.30 crore. This aggressive stance is part of a broader initiative aimed at dismantling drug networks and protecting the youth from the harmful impacts of substance abuse.

Significant Seizures and Arrests
The Assam Police, alongside other law enforcement agencies, have made substantial strides in their anti-drug operations. From May 2021 to May 2024, a total of 8,855 cases related to drug offences have been registered. During this period, authorities have confiscated a diverse range of illicit substances, including:

432 kg of heroin
105,567 kg of cannabis
453 kg of opium
1,100,858 bottles of codeine cough syrup
123,512,298 YABA tablets and capsules
3,318 kg of poppy straw
2 kg of morphine
24 kg of crystal methamphetamine
1 kg of cocaine
Additionally, security agencies have seized Rs 5,518,417.50 in cash, 28,865 units of foreign currency, and 206,400 counterfeit Indian currency notes. These seizures highlight the extensive reach and sophisticated operations of drug traffickers in the region.

Community Impact and Government Response
The revelations about the demographics of those involved in drug smuggling have sparked conversations about the underlying social issues. Notably, nearly 90 percent of the arrested drug smugglers belong to the Muslim community. This statistic has prompted calls for community-specific interventions to address and mitigate the factors leading to such high involvement in drug trafficking.

CM Sarma has consistently emphasised the government’s zero-tolerance policy towards drugs. In a recent statement on his X handle, he reiterated the administration’s resolve: “Assam’s War on Drugs is our persistent effort to eliminate the nexus of contraband substances which is ruining the lives of our youth. We will NEVER ALLOW further ruining of our society and will continue to strike a DEADLY BLOW to these anti-social forces.”

Milestones and Achievements
The past three years have been marked by several key milestones in Assam’s fight against drugs. The extensive operations and substantial seizures are a testament to the state’s robust strategy and effective law enforcement. The confiscation of such large quantities of drugs and contraband underscores the scale of the drug trade in the region and the substantial efforts required to combat it.

CM Sarma has praised the dedication and hard work of the Assam Police and other security agencies. Their relentless efforts have not only led to significant arrests but have also disrupted major drug trafficking networks, thereby protecting countless individuals from falling prey to substance abuse.

Future Outlook
The Assam government remains resolute in its mission to eradicate drug trafficking. The aggressive measures taken so far reflect a comprehensive approach that includes strict law enforcement, community awareness programs, and rehabilitation initiatives for those affected by drug addiction.

Looking ahead, the state aims to further strengthen its anti-drug framework. This includes enhancing surveillance, improving inter-agency coordination, and leveraging technology to track and dismantle drug networks more effectively. The administration also plans to work closely with neighbouring states and international agencies to address the cross-border dimensions of drug trafficking.

Assam’s battle against drugs under the leadership of CM Himanta Biswa Sarma has shown remarkable progress. The significant arrests and seizures are a clear indication of the state’s commitment to safeguarding its citizens and ensuring a drug-free future. As the government continues its efforts, the people of Assam can remain hopeful that the scourge of drugs will be effectively addressed, ensuring a safer and healthier environment for all.

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