
Manipur: Vandalisation of Ibudhou Pakhangba and Ibendhou Leisana temples by miscreants sparks outrage

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Imphal: The sacred temples of Ibudhou Pakhangba and Ibendhou Leisana at Uyal Cheirao Ching in Thoubal district, Manipur, were found desecrated by unknown miscreants, leaving the local community in shock and outrage. The incident, which saw the incineration of sacred items belonging to the deities, has caused widespread sorrow among followers of Sanamahism.

The desecration was discovered early Wednesday morning by joggers who frequent the area. According to reports, the miscreants broke down the temple door on Tuesday night, taking advantage of the absence of any onlookers. They removed sacred items from inside the temple and burned them on the ground, leaving many sacred artefacts reduced to ashes.

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This deliberate act of sacrilege has been perceived as an attack on the spiritual heritage of the Meitei community. The temples, which hold significant cultural and religious importance, were found vandalised and desecrated, deeply wounding the sentiments of the locals.

In response to the incident, a team led by Angom Ningthou Pariton of Uttra Shanglen, Sana Konung, and political activist Sapamcha Kangleipal, along with volunteers from Kanglei Ngaklou, visited the site to assess the damage. Speaking to the media, Angom Ningthou Pariton expressed deep sorrow and anger, labelling the incident as extremely unfortunate and declaring the day a black day for followers of Sanamahism. He called upon the state government to implement stringent measures to prevent such incidents in the future.

Political activist Sapamcha Kangleipal also addressed the media, urging the perpetrators to surrender and warning that challenging the Meitei society and its religious beliefs was a grave mistake. A team from Thoubal police station, led by the officer in charge, also visited the site to conduct a preliminary investigation. The identity and intent of the miscreants remain unknown.

It is noteworthy that this is not an isolated incident. In 2015, miscreants robbed the temple of money by digging through its walls. Additionally, according to the Working Committee on Protection of Meitei Temples formed under Umanglai Kanba Apunba Lup (UKAL), Kuki narco-terrorists have vandalised and burnt down 393 Meitei temples and places of worship amid the ongoing unrest in Manipur since May 3, 2023.

The desecration of the Ibudhou Pakhangba and Ibendhou Leisana temples has deeply affected the local community, igniting a call for stronger protection of cultural and religious sites. The community now waits for justice and measures to ensure the safety of their spiritual heritage.

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