Vishva Hindu Parishad said on May 19 that it is a matter of shame in democracy that West Bengal Chief Minister Ms. Mamata Banerjee, in a public meeting, has targeted three spirituo-Dharmic institutions that are respected all over the world! These institutions are Bharat Sevashram Sangh, Sri Ramakrishna Mission and the ISKCON. Mamta ji complains that these three organisations are helping BJP in the elections.
In one of his statements, VHP International President Advocate Alok Kumar said that the people of West Bengal will answer Mamata ji’s arrogance through the ballot box!
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He said that Mamta ji’s allegations are not true. These three organisations are beyond politics and moving on their chosen spiritual and service paths. However, even if it is assumed that any of them or any of their office-bearers has helped the BJP, then in a democracy, what is there to complain about? Is it not everyone’s innate democratic right and duty to support/oppose someone in elections?
The VHP president further said that Mamataji’s government had given 700 acres of land to one of these organisations. We believe that the government would have done it as per the law. But for this, will the organisation have to remain indebted to Mamata ji and support her throughout life? Was land given to a spiritual organisation for its good works or in return, did Mamata ji make a deal of lifelong support for her party?
He also said that the Chief Minister’s language is aggressive and humiliating. There is an innate threat in this. This is an attack on Sanatan. Self-reliant organisations do not get distracted by this. We condemn the Chief Minister’s statement.
Vishva Hindu Parishad urges (especially the Dharma-Premi Hindu society of West Bengal) to stand firmly behind their spirituo-Dharmic leaders and organisations.
We appeal to the people of the country to make the organisations and leaders supporting Sanatan victorious through the ballot box. It is effective in a democracy.