Javed Beigh, representing the Indian Kashmiri Muslim community, has condemned the ongoing oppression faced by residents of Pakistan-Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (POJK). Beigh’s speech resonates with solidarity and empathy for those suffering under the rule of the Punjabi Muslim elite in Islamabad and its puppet regime in “Azad Kashmir.”
Speaking in the native Potohari Pahari language, Beigh conveyed the collective outrage of Indian Kashmiris towards the atrocities inflicted upon their counterparts in POJK. The images and videos depicting violence perpetrated by the Pakistani state have deeply saddened the Kashmiri community in India.
Beigh accused the Punjabi Muslim ruling elite of mainland Pakistan of perpetuating a cycle of manipulation and exploitation in Pakistan-Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (POJK). He asserted that these elites have systematically brainwashed and radicalised the residents of POJK, feeding them falsehoods about India and Indian Kashmiri Muslims to further their vested interests.
Highlighting the destructive impact of past interventions by the mainland Pakistani elite, Beigh lamented the devastation caused by the influx of guns and terrorists into India’s Kashmir Valley three decades ago. He warned that the same forces responsible for the turmoil in Kashmir are now targeting the people of POJK, using them as pawns in their political games.
Beigh emphasised that the Punjabi Muslim ruling elite of mainland Pakistan are universally reviled, not just by Indian Kashmiris but also by various other oppressed communities across the region. He cited the hatred towards these elites from Afghan, Bangladeshi, Baloch, Sindhi, Pashtun, Mohajir, and even the residents of Pakistan Occupied Gilgit and Baltistan.
Beigh highlighted the plight of ordinary people in POJK, who are subjected to brutality for demanding fundamental rights such as subsidised food, water, electricity, and fuel. He emphasised that no civilised state should respond to such demands with violence, labelling the actions of the Pakistani authorities as criminal, inhumane, and unacceptable.
Addressing the residents of POJK directly, Beigh warned against the manipulation and exploitation by the Punjabi Muslim ruling elite of mainland Pakistan. He underscored the divisive tactics employed by these elites to serve their interests at the expense of the well-being of the people in POJK.
Drawing parallels to the suffering endured by Indian Kashmiris due to the influx of guns and terrorists from mainland Pakistan, Beigh urged solidarity among all oppressed communities against the exploitative policies of the Punjabi Muslim elite. He emphasised that the struggle against injustice in POJK is intertwined with the broader fight against oppression across the region.
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