A bomb blast was reported on Saturday, May 11, at the residence of a BJP panchayat Pradhan in West Bengal. The incident occurred in Haludbari village, which is situated in the Khejuri 2 block of the East Midnapore district. According to Republic TV citing sources, six bombs were planted at the residence of the BJP leader. Out of the six, two bombs exploded, while the Police managed to recover four active bombs on Saturday.
In addition to the bomb blast, the miscreants also set fire to a motorcycle that was parked outside the house of BJP panchayat Pradhan, Nitai Mondal.
Upon receiving information about the incident, a police team from the Khejuri police station promptly arrived at the blast site in the early hours of Saturday. The Police are currently conducting a thorough search and have heightened security in the region. They are also analysing CCTV footage to identify and apprehend the culprits.
Satyajit Mondal, the son of BJP Pradhan Nitai Mondal, shared his account of the incident with media. He mentioned that at around 12:40 AM on Saturday, they heard a bomb blast on their terrace. Although they were awake, they chose not to venture outside, as they heard people in the vicinity. Satyajit also stated that they were not certain about the identity of the perpetrators but suspected that they were well-informed about his father’s residence and the location of the CCTV cameras.
Satyajit further commented, “I called my mother, she was worried. The police officials arrived soon after that. We can’t say who did it specifically. I am guessing whoever did this, they knew my father well. Outsiders won’t know much about my house, where there are cameras and all. We mostly are involved in our studies, and we don’t indulge in politics.”
West Bengal has been grappling with an ongoing series of political violence, killings, and bomb blasts. In many instances, children have been severely injured or killed after mistakenly handling bombs as toys. Additionally, ‘cottage industries’ producing such bombs or houses storing them have experienced explosions due to various accidents, resulting in numerous injuries and fatalities.
On April 16, 2024, bombs hidden at a house in Murshidabad exploded due to intense heat, leading both Congress and TMC to point fingers at each other.
A few days later, on April 26, 2024, the CBI recovered a large cache of arms, armaments, and explosives in Sandeshkhali village, located in the North 24 Parganas district of the state. A team from the National Security Guard (NSG) was brought in after the discovery of foreign weapons and crude bombs at the residence of a man named Abu Taleb in Sandeshkhali.