The Rajasthan police have apprehended a man named Salman Khan for the heinous crime of raping a 25-year-old Hindu woman under the guise of love. This arrest comes amidst the escalating concern of “love jihad” and the targeting of Hindu women in the country.
Salman Khan, who operated a mobile repair shop in Jaipur, deceived the victim by pretending to be Hindu. He then proceeded to sexually assault her, record obscene videos, and subsequently blackmailed her into paying him 2-4 lakhs of rupees.
Furthermore, he coerced the woman to accompany him to Delhi against her will by threatening to publicly release the obscene videos on social media. The incident came to light when the victim’s family lodged a complaint with the Shipra Path police station.
Salman Khan first befriended a Hindu girl by giving her a fake Hindu name
Then he called the girl to the birthday party, gave the girl drugs and allegedly raped her
The accused allegedly made a video and kept blackmailing her
— Organiser Weekly (@eOrganiser) May 11, 2024
The police promptly initiated an investigation, successfully rescuing the victim from Delhi, and arrested Salman Khan from the National Capital.
During the inquiry, it was discovered that the accused had previously ensnared 3-4 other Hindu women using the same method. The police confiscated Salman Khan’s mobile phone and sent it for forensic examination.
They are currently interrogating the accused to gather further information about his modus operandi. The police have also recorded the statement of the victim under Section 164 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC).
Amit Kumar, the Station House Officer at Shipra Path police station, commented on the matter, saying, “The victim first met the accused 5-6 years ago. Salman Khan failed in the 8th standard and is originally a resident of Ajmer. He had also purchased a scooty in her name.”