Mumbai Police in Maharashtra have taken action against an individual named Ibrahim Khan for the heinous crime of raping a 14-year-old Hindu girl and threatening her life. The accused allegedly lured the minor into a ‘love’ affair before forcing her into sexual relations.
An FIR has been filed under sections 376 and 376(3) of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, and sections 4 and 8 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO), 2012. Additionally, sections 3(1)(w)(i) and 3(1)(w)(ii) of the SC/ST Act, 1989, have also been imposed against the accused.
According to the FIR, the incident occurred in the Kashigaon area of Mumbai in November 2023. The victim had recently moved to the locality with her sister after their parents’ demise. The accused, Ibrahim Khan, lived in the neighbourhood and would watch the victim daily.
On November 8, Khan approached the victim and professed his love for her, proposing marriage. The girl took the time to respond. On November 11, he entered her home when she was alone and harassed her. Despite her refusal, Khan forced himself upon the girl, claiming he intended to marry her.
The accused sexually assaulted the girl again in December 2023, abused her, and threatened to kill her if she did not comply with his desires. He even took her to a nearby Masjid, asking her to observe Roja (fasting as per Islamic ritual) and follow Islamic traditions. The girl suspected she was being trapped in a ‘love jihad’ situation and tried to keep her distance from Khan.
Despite the ongoing threats, the complaint was filed by the victim on May 3, 2024, only after Khan once again barged into her home, abused her, and threatened to kill her.
The Mumbai Police have taken swift action, ensuring that the accused is brought to justice. The case highlights the importance of protecting children from sexual offences and the need for stringent measures against such heinous crimes.
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