Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini on Wednesday, May 8, dispelled fears about his government being under threat after three independent MLAs withdrew their support. Addressing a news conference in Sirsa, he said, ” The whole country has seen the history of the Congress, when they were short of a majority in the Lok Sabha or in a state, they would fulfil some people’s wishes. Some people may have problems, but the state government has no problems and the people of the state will not let the Congress party fulfil its wishes. They rely on corruption while we rely on development,” the Chief Minister said.
The Haryana government suffered a jolt on Tuesday, May 7 when three independent MLAs apparently withdrew support from the Nayab Saini government, pushing the government into a minority. However, the BJP appears confident of retaining power, with former Chief Minister Manhora Lal Khattar claiming that leaders of the Congress and the JJP were in touch with the BJP.
“This political battle will go long, many people are in touch with us, be it from Congress or JJP. They should take care of their home first… We will make sure that in the next election (of state assembly), we get a full majority so that such situations don’t arise,” the former Haryana CM said.
Meanwhile, at his press conference, Haryana CM Nayab Saini targeted the Congress party and Rahul Gandhi, accusing them of spreading confusion and said, ‘Ye jooth ka silsila ab nahi chalega, Ab Modi Ji ki guarantee chalegi.’
Stepping up his attacks on Rahul Gandhi, Nayab Singh Saini said, “He (Rahul Gandhi) says that will end poverty in one click. He should first take a look at the work done by his ancestors.” Elaborating further, the Haryana Chief Minister claimed, “In the 1970s, Indira Gandhi had said that they would remove poverty but it still hasn’t been removed.”
Criticising Rahul Gandhi for spreading confusion, Saini said, “Rahul Gandhi also told another lie that he will transfer one lakh in the accounts of the poor. If one does the calculation, it amounts to Rs 50 lakh crore. The country’s budget is Rs 46 lakh crore. The country wants to ask where will he bring the money from. They (Congress party and Rahul Gandhi) are spreading confusion by telling such lies.”
He added further, “Today, the people have understood the Congress and will not believe them. ‘Ye jooth ka silsila ab nahi chalega, Ab Modi Ji ki guarantee chalegi.’ (the series of lies will not work now, only PM Modi’s guarantees will work).”
Lauding Prime Minister Narendra Modi, he said, “PM Narendra Modi transferred Rs 3.5 lakh crore to the accounts of the farmers under the PM Kisan Samman Nisdhi… He gave Ayushman Cards to the poor worth Rs 5 lakh…”
Speaking at the press conference, Nayab Singh Saini also said, “We will make PM Narendra Modi Prime Minister for the third time. Congress lies to us. It did not do any work in its ruling tenure… PM Modi has empowered women, strengthened farmers and gained the trust of youth in the last 10 years. Now, Congress has no issues. Its leaders, including Rahul Gandhi, only lie to us…”
The Chief Minister further claimed, “We have given Rs. 12,500 crores to the farmers as compensation for damaged crops…” The Haryana CM also said that the Congress party is now becoming weaker. “If we see, the Congress fought on fewer seats in 2019 compared to 2014 and in 2024, they are contesting even on lesser seats. The Congress party is becoming weaker… As people today trust Prime Minister Narendra Modi.” (With Inputs from ANI)