Empowering Nari Shakti: Initiatives and progressive milestones

Published by
Kishore Upadhyay

In the past decade, Nari Shakti in India has undergone a profound transformation under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Among the 15 nations led by a woman Head of State, India proudly stands, showcasing the progress towards gender inclusivity. Additionally, with a remarkable 10 per cent more female pilots than the worldwide average, India exemplifies the breaking of gender stereotypes in traditionally male-dominated professions.

The Government’s initiatives have played a pivotal role in eliminating deep-rooted historical inequalities and advancing the empowerment of women and girls across various socio-economic spectrums. Through schemes like Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, a significant shift in mindset regarding the value and importance of educating and empowering girls has been fostered throughout the nation. This has resulted in the achievement of parity in the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) between girls and boys in primary and secondary education, as well as a leading representation of 43 per cent of women in STEM fields globally.

Reservation for Women in Parliament and Assemblies

One of the notable achievements under PM Modi’s leadership is the recent enactment of the Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam, a progressive and transformative piece of legislation aimed at bringing women into the highest decision-making bodies. With a provision for 33 per cent reservation for women in Parliament and legislative assemblies, this law reflects the unwavering commitment of the Modi Government towards gender equality and women’s empowerment, transcending mere endorsement to tangible action.

Women become Account holders

Under the Jan Dhan Yojana, a staggering 28 crore women have become first-time bank account holders, marking a significant stride towards financial inclusion and empowerment. This unprecedented initiative has not only provided these women with access to formal banking services but has also opened doors to various Government schemes and benefits, thereby fostering economic independence and resilience within communities across the nation.

Encouragement for Women Entrepreneurship

The allocation of 31 crore Mudra loans specifically for women out of a total of 46 crore disbursed demonstrates a profound commitment to fostering women’s entrepreneurship and economic empowerment. This initiative acknowledges the pivotal role women play in driving inclusive growth and sustainable development. By providing financial support through Mudra loans, women are empowered to pursue their entrepreneurial aspirations, thereby contributing to their families’ livelihoods and bolstering the nation’s economic progress. This concerted effort towards gender-inclusive financing underscores the importance of creating equal opportunities for women to thrive in the business world. PM MUDRA’s dedication to sanctioning loans for women not only serves as a blueprint for gender inclusivity but also highlights the Government’s unwavering commitment to supporting small businesses and bridging credit gaps.

Emergence of Lakhpati Didis

The emergence of 1 crore “Lakhpati Didis” marks a profound shift in rural India, catalysing a transformative wave of empowerment and economic vitality. These women, armed with financial resources and entrepreneurial acumen, are driving substantive change across their communities. Through the establishment of small enterprises, the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices, and the provision of essential services, they are fundamentally reshaping the fabric of rural livelihoods. Their unwavering determination and resilience not only propel their own journeys out of poverty but also serve as beacons of inspiration, igniting a ripple effect of prosperity throughout the countryside. Encouraged by their success, the Government has ambitiously revised its target for Lakhpati Didis to 3 crore, underlining its commitment to fostering inclusive growth and securing an aspirational future for countless women across the nation. Through strategic support for both new and existing Self-Help Groups (SHGs), this initiative promises to further amplify the transformative impact of Lakhpati Didis, ensuring a more equitable and prosperous tomorrow for rural India.

Credit support to SHG

The Government has announced a monumental Rs 8 lakh crore credit support package aimed at empowering 83 lakh Self-Help Groups (SHGs) across the country. This initiative signifies a significant commitment to bolstering grassroots economic development and empowering women in rural areas. By providing access to credit, these SHGs can enhance their entrepreneurial ventures, uplift their communities, and contribute to the overall socio-economic growth of the nation. This substantial infusion of financial support underscores the Government’s dedication to fostering inclusive and sustainable development, particularly in rural India.

Improved sanitation in schools

Ensuring access to adequate sanitation facilities in Government schools, particularly for girls, is paramount for promoting education and safeguarding health. With 97.4 per cent of Government schools now equipped with toilets for girls, significant progress has been made in addressing this critical need. This achievement not only fosters a conducive learning environment but also upholds the dignity and rights of female students. By prioritising such infrastructure, governments demonstrate their commitment to inclusive and equitable education, laying the foundation for the holistic development of future generations.

Increased ownership in PM AWAS

In the PM AWAS scheme, where 72 per cent of the beneficiaries are women, a significant stride towards gender inclusivity is evident. This allocation underscores the Government’s commitment to empowering women through access to housing, a fundamental aspect of socio-economic development. By prioritising women as beneficiaries, the program not only addresses their housing needs but also fosters their economic independence and social well-being. This targeted approach acknowledges the crucial role women play in nation-building and ensures their active participation in shaping a more equitable society.

Complete rural sanitation

Ensuring 100 per cent rural sanitation coverage is not only a matter of infrastructure but also dignity, especially for women. In rural areas, inadequate sanitation facilities disproportionately affect women, exposing them to health risks and compromising their privacy and safety. By prioritising comprehensive sanitation initiatives, we not only improve public health but also empower women by providing them with dignified and hygienic facilities. This approach promotes gender equality and contributes to building healthier and more inclusive communities.

Sukanya Samriddhi

Sukanya Samriddhi Accounts have emerged as a popular investment avenue, with deposits totalling a staggering Rs 80,000 crores across 3.2 crore accounts. This significant sum underscores the trust and confidence parents and guardians place in this scheme to secure the financial future of their daughters. The scheme’s attractive interest rates, tax benefits, and long-term savings potential have made it a preferred choice for many families across the country. As these deposits continue to grow, they signal a commitment towards empowering young girls and ensuring their financial independence.

Abolition of Triple Talaq

The abolition of Triple Talaq represents a significant stride towards gender equality and justice within Muslim communities. This practice, which allowed husbands to instantly divorce their wives by uttering “talaq” thrice, often left women vulnerable and without any legal recourse. By outlawing Triple Talaq, Governments aim to protect the rights and dignity of Muslim women, ensuring they have the same legal protections as women from other religious backgrounds. This move reflects a commitment to modernising legal frameworks and promoting gender justice, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and equitable society. The ban on Triple Talaq, alongside the rising trend of Haj travel devoid of Mehram surpassing 4000 instances, underscores a burgeoning confidence among Muslim women. These milestones mark golden moments in Indian democracy and parliamentary history, signifying a progressive shift towards ensuring the empowerment and agency of Muslim women.

Menstrual hygiene awareness

The transformative impact of menstrual hygiene management awareness campaigns has been nothing short of remarkable. Before 2020, rural uptake of sanitary pads saw an 11 per cent growth, indicating a slow but steady shift towards better menstrual hygiene practices. However, the year 2023 marked a significant leap with a staggering 45 per cent growth in rural uptake of sanitary pads. This exponential increase underscores the effectiveness of targeted awareness campaigns in destigmatising menstruation and promoting access to essential menstrual hygiene products. Such initiatives not only improve women’s health and well-being but also contribute to breaking down socio-cultural barriers surrounding menstruation, paving the way for a more inclusive and empowered society.

Representation to woman in Parliament and Assembly

The landscape of Indian politics has undergone a significant shift in recent years, particularly in the representation of women leaders. Prior to 2014, the presence of women in positions of political power was a rarity, with only a nominal 10 per cent reservation in the Lok Sabha and State Assemblies. However, the tide turned in 2023 with a groundbreaking decision to increase women’s reservation to 33 per cent in these governing bodies. This move not only marks a historic milestone but also signifies a progressive step towards gender equality and empowerment in Bharat’s political sphere. With greater representation, the voices and perspectives of women are poised to play a more influential role in shaping policies and governance, signalling a promising future where women’s leadership is no longer an exception but the norm.

Improved sex ratio through Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao initiative has significantly raised collective consciousness regarding the importance of gender equality and female empowerment in India. One of the notable achievements of this initiative has been the improvement in the overall sex ratio. In the years 2022-23, the sex ratio stood at 933 females per 1000 males, showcasing a marked increase from the figure of 918 per 1000 males recorded during the Congress rule in 2014. This progress reflects a concerted effort towards fostering a society where every girl child is valued, educated, and given equal opportunities to thrive.

Increasing number of women in IIT’s

Over the past few years, concerted efforts by the Government have borne fruit, as evidenced by a significant rise in women enrollments in the prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). In 2016, women constituted a mere 8 per cent of the total student population in IITs. However, by 2022, this figure soared to an encouraging 20 per cent, marking a substantial leap towards gender inclusivity in the field of higher education. This remarkable increase reflects the effectiveness of various initiatives aimed at promoting gender diversity and equity in STEM disciplines, paving the way for a more inclusive and dynamic academic landscape.

Vaccines for Cervical Cancer

The Government’s initiative to launch vaccines for cervical cancer signals a commitment to empowering young girls and women to lead healthier lives. By prioritising preventative measures, such as vaccination, they are taking proactive steps to combat a disease that affects millions worldwide. This effort not only aims to protect individuals from the devastating effects of cervical cancer but also underscores the importance of investing in public health initiatives that prioritise the well-being of future generations. Through education, access to healthcare, and innovative interventions like vaccination, the Government is working towards a future where cervical cancer is no longer a significant threat to women’s health.

Raising women participation in STEM courses

As women’s enrollment in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) courses continues to surpass 43 per cent, there is promising potential for a significant increase in their participation in the labour force in the years ahead. This trend not only reflects a growing interest and aptitude among women in traditionally male-dominated fields but also signifies a broader societal shift towards inclusivity and equal opportunity. As more women pursue STEM education and careers, they are empowered with the skills and knowledge to excel in diverse professional settings, contributing to innovation, economic growth, and social progress. This rising participation not only benefits individual women but also enriches industries and communities with diverse perspectives and talents, ultimately propelling progress and fostering a more equitable society. With increasing access to education and opportunities, women are indeed gaining the wings to soar to new heights in the workforce, shaping a future where talent knows no gender boundaries.

The past decade has witnessed a remarkable transformation in India’s journey towards gender equality and women’s empowerment under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Through a series of progressive initiatives and legislative reforms, the nation has made significant strides in various domains, from political representation to economic empowerment, education, healthcare, and beyond. The enactment of laws such as the Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam, alongside groundbreaking schemes like Beti Bachao Beti Padhao and Sukanya Samriddhi, reflects a deep commitment to dismantling systemic barriers and fostering an environment where every woman and girl can thrive. As we celebrate the achievements and milestones outlined, it is evident that India is on a path towards a more inclusive, equitable, and empowered future, where the potential of Nari Shakti knows no bounds.

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