On April 27, an 11-year-old Muslim girl went missing from Asara village of Baghpat district in Uttar Pradesh. Soon after the family of the victim girl lodged a missing person report at Ramala Police Station. The police recovered the girl the same day. During interrogation, she revealed that she had been gang-raped by three men, out of the three, the police booked one named Nadeem. However, as soon as the video of the victim girl went viral on social media, Islamists began painting a false picture. They accused three Hindu men of raping the minor, which is nothing but fake information.
As per the press note released by Baghpat Police, dated May 3, 2024, the minor girl went missing on April 27 from Asara village of Baghpat district. The police received a complaint the same day and recovered the girl. After recovery, the police presented her before the magistrate. In her statement under 164 of the CrPC, the minor revealed that she has been raped by three men. One of them identified as Nadeem son of Yunus was later arrested by the police.
“The statement of the minor girl was taken under Section 161 CrPC and the victim was given medical treatment in the district hospital. After recording her statement under Section 164 CrPC in the Honorable Court, she was handed over safely to her family members. On the basis of the statements of the minor girl under Section 161/164 CrPC, the accused Nadeem (son of Yunus) has been arrested,” the cops informed in the press note.
The police is looking for the other two accused for arrests.
Meanwhile, a video of the minor girl started making rounds of the internet with claims that the accused belonged to the Hindu community. The handles with names, The Muslim, The Newslytics, Haq Ali, The Rising Falcons, Shahvaj Anjum, The Surjapuri Times among others even claimed that Hindu gods are rapists.
A social media account, ‘D-Intent Data’ compiled a screenshot of the posts made by these accused, accusing Hindus of rape with derogatory comments against the community and their gods.
The captions on all these posts more or less revolved around the same statement, “Three Hindu men raped a minor Muslim girl and that Hindus have a tendency of raping girls and women.”
On May 3, the Circle Officer (Baraut/Baghpat) Saviratna Gautam said, “On 27th April, we received information that a minor girl was kidnapped from Asara village, which falls under the jurisdiction of Ramala police station. We were able to recover the victim safely.”
“According to the girl, a man from the village along with his friends raped her. We have arrested all the culprits. An investigation has been initiated into the matter,” he added further.
#WATCH | UP: Saviratna Gautam, CO Baraut, Baghpat says, “On 27 April, information was received about the disappearance of a minor girl from Asara village of Thana Ramala. Immediately a case was registered and the girl was rescued safely. The girl told that a boy from the village… pic.twitter.com/zF742o2tDb
— ANI (@ANI) May 3, 2024
However, after getting exposed, many of these accounts have deleted their post.
It is pertinent to mention that, so-called fact-checking website called ‘Alt-News’ which does a number of fact-checks every day has not covered this issue so far. They have been called out a number of times for their selective outrage and reporting. Organiser recently compiled a list of 60 cases where the so-called fact-checking website was caught spreading fake news.