NewsClick Row: Delhi police files 8000-page chargesheet revealing Prabir Purkayastha’s links to LeT & anti-India forces

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The Special Cell of the Delhi Police has submitted an exhaustive 8000-page chargesheet against NewsClick founder Prabir Purkayastha, alleging his involvement in activities detrimental to national security. Purkayastha stands accused of collaborating with banned terrorist outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), funding terrorist activities, orchestrating disinformation campaigns, and conspiring to defame the Indian government.

The chargesheet, filed by the Delhi Police, outlines a series of grave allegations against Prabir Purkayastha, shedding light on his purported ties with the banned Islamic terror organization Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT). It alleges that Purkayastha actively associated himself with LeT operatives and provided financial assistance to further their nefarious activities.

Some of the findings in the chargesheet include:

Engagement with terrorist elements: NewsClick reportedly received Rs 91 crore, purportedly diverted for terrorist endeavours. PP NewsClick India LLP underwent conversion to a private entity, allegedly to facilitate channelling funds under the guise of investments and service agreements.

Financial support to extremist groups: According to law enforcement, there is testimony-backed evidence indicating that Navlakha and Purkayastha provided financial support to Naxal insurgents for violent activities. Investigations suggest their involvement in bolstering Naxal activities.

Conspiratorial activities dating back to 2016: Police have uncovered email correspondence suggesting that a conspiracy took root in 2016, leading to the transformation of PPK NewsClick into PPK Newsclick Studio Pvt Ltd, ostensibly to mobilize funds for terrorist and unlawful activities within India.

Manipulation of cartographic representations: Purkayastha’s NewsClick faces allegations of manipulating maps, particularly those of Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh. Allegations include tampering with the Chinese map to depict Aksai Chin as Chinese territory and portraying India without Kashmir in a news bulletin.

Furthermore, the document asserts that Purkayastha utilised his media platform, NewsClick, as a tool for disseminating disinformation under the guise of protests against the National Register of Citizens (NRC) and the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). According to the chargesheet, Purkayastha allegedly mobilised his employees and partners to provide monetary support to rioters, some of whom have been apprehended under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.

The chargesheet implicates Purkayastha in instigating violence during various protests, including the anti-CAA demonstrations in Shaheen Bagh and Chand Bagh, as well as the recent farmer protests in the National Capital. It alleges that funds routed through NewsClick were used to fuel unrest and support separatist agendas in Kashmir, as well as to finance Maoist groups in different parts of the country.

“Prabir Purkayastha in furtherance of common conspiracy with businessman Neville Roy Singham and others during the Covid-19 time had criticized noble efforts of the Indian government to control Covid-19 and also published his articles against the vaccine manufactured by the Indian pharmaceutical companies with the intention of causing disaffection against India,” the chargesheet read.

It emphasised, “Five of the protected witnesses are associated with the NewsClick, and three with the case. Police have also recorded the statement of Amit Chakraborty, who turned approver…He has been granted pardon by the Hon’ble Court… He is now a witness in the case and, therefore, he is not being chargesheeted.“

It’s noteworthy that Prabir Purkayastha was arrested on October 3, 2023, along with NewsClick’s HR Head Amit Chakraborty, on charges of receiving illegal funds from China via the United States. The submission of the chargesheet marks a significant development in the ongoing investigation into Purkayastha’s alleged anti-national activities.

The filing of the chargesheet against Prabir Purkayastha underscores the gravity of the allegations levelled against him and highlights the Delhi Police’s commitment to upholding national security. As the legal proceedings unfold, the revelations contained within the chargesheet are expected to have far-reaching implications, both for Purkayastha and the media landscape in India.

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