The Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, MK Stalin, has found himself at the centre of a storm after the reported arrest of Mandir pandits for collecting donations. This move has been decried as a clear instance of fascism and discrimination. Noted author and speaker Shefali Vaidya, in a post on X, has alleged that the pandits receive meager salaries from the State’s Human Rights Commission, while the funds in the Mandir Hundi are allegedly misappropriated by the Government.
So @mkstalin administration arrests temple priests for taking the donations left by the devotees on the Arati plates. This is the most blatant display of fascism and discrimination. Temple priests in TN get a pittance from the @tnhrcedept. What is deposited in the Hundi goes to…
— Shefali Vaidya. 🇮🇳 (@ShefVaidya) April 30, 2024
It was customary for pandits to retain donations placed on Aarti plates by devotees. However, under the current administration, accusations have arisen, suggesting the State Government’s interference in this practice. The arrest of Mandir Pandits has sparked widespread condemnation, with concerns raised over the violation of religious freedoms and the livelihoods of priests.
This is ridiculous and the height of oppression… we as devotees donate money meant for Pujaris in Aarti plates only. Donations in Hundi go to Govt / Temple Trust
How can Pujaris who barely get anything as salary survive and take care of families without these donations?!
— Meghna Girish 🇮🇳 (@megirish2001) April 30, 2024
In response to the situation, critics have expressed outrage, emphasising the vital role of these donations in supporting the financial needs of pandits and their families. Many argue that the funds donated on Aarti plates are intended solely for the pandits and view the Government’s surveillance within Mandirs as an intrusion.
Appaling! This is an unsaid norm and understanding that the money donated on the arti-plate is meant for pujari only. TN govt has surveillance inside the temple as if it is a bank counter. #FreeTemple is the only solution.
— The Hawk Eye (@thehawkeyex) April 30, 2024
Amidst the escalating debates, the #FreeTemple movement has gained significant momentum, with its supporters advocating for the restoration of autonomy to religious institutions and the liberation of Mandirs from governmental control.