Guwahati: In a chilling saga of online harassment and manipulation, a group of college students from Guwahati found themselves ensnared in a web of deceit and intimidation. A cybercriminal named Bilal Hussain, poised as a Hindu boy and introduced to a Hindu college girl studying in a local college in Guwahati. The online chat between them for months resulted in horrifying nights for over 30 girls of the college. A criminal entered in to the college girl’s whatsapp group to get the pictures of the girls. Once the crook got the pictures of the girls, he started blackmailing them using morphed obscene pictures of them. What began as innocuous digital interactions soon spiralled into a nightmare of unsolicited calls, vulgar messages, and the circulation of obscene morphed images for a group of college girls in Guwahati city. The victims, predominantly young women, were thrust into a state of fear and mental trauma by the relentless actions of the mentor.
The ordeal unfolded on September 28, 2023, when a distraught girl, whose identity remains concealed for her safety, mustered the courage to report the harrowing incidents to the authorities. She, along with her friends, detailed how they had been bombarded with unwanted communications from an individual identifying himself as Nabajit Nath @ Nabajit Talukdar. This perpetrator, operating from various mobile numbers, not only inundated the victims with lewd messages but also distributed morphed obscene images of some of the girls across social media platforms.
What compounded the distress was the menacing threats issued by the accused, warning the victims of dire consequences should they dare to divulge the matter to anyone. The girls found themselves trapped in a suffocating atmosphere of fear and helplessness, unsure of how to break free from the clutches of their mentors.
Faced with such a grave violation of their privacy and dignity, law enforcement agencies swiftly sprang into action. The Crime Branch team of the Police Commissionerate, Guwahati, launched a thorough investigation into the matter, determined to bring the perpetrator to justice and provide solace to the traumatised victims.
Their efforts bore fruit when, after months of relentless pursuit, the authorities managed to trace the whereabouts of the accused to Bangalore. Operating under multiple aliases, the perpetrator had cunningly deceived his victims, particularly one girl, by feigning friendship and employment. Through a series of deceptive manoeuvres, he gained access to the victim girl’s WhatsApp account, further intensifying the psychological manipulation.
What emerged from the investigation was a portrait of a calculated predator who preyed on the vulnerabilities of his victims, exploiting their trust and innocence for his perverse gratification. Despite never meeting any of the victims in person, the accused wielded a profound influence over their lives, leaving them feeling violated and powerless.
As the investigation delved deeper, startling revelations came to light. The accused, identified as Md Billal Hussain, 22, hailed from Dhula, Darrang district in Assam, and had been working as a security guard in Bangalore. Contrary to his fabricated persona, Hussain was neither educated nor permanently employed, relying instead on deception and manipulation to satisfy his deviant desires.
Moreover, it was discovered that Hussain had strategically concealed his religious identity, adopting a Hindu name to ingratiate himself with the predominantly Hindu victims. This calculated act of deception further underscored the insidious nature of his crimes and the extent of his depravity.
However, justice was swift in its pursuit. Through a combination of technical analysis and human intelligence, the authorities managed to apprehend Hussain on April 24, 2024, in Dhula, Darrang district. His arrest marked a significant milestone in the quest for justice, offering a glimmer of hope to the beleaguered victims and sending a clear message to perpetrators of cybercrime.
Presented before the court, Hussain confessed to his crimes, acknowledging the gravity of his actions and the irreparable harm inflicted upon his victims. With crucial evidence, including his mobile phone and SIM cards, seized by the authorities, the path to accountability was paved, ensuring that Hussain would face the full force of the law for his reprehensible deeds.
As the legal proceedings unfold, the victims, though scarred by their traumatic ordeal, find solace in the knowledge that justice is being served. Their courage in coming forward and standing against their oppressor serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the unwavering pursuit of truth and justice in the face of adversity.