In a fiery campaign speech, former Chief Minister and BJP candidate from the Gadag-Haveri Lok Sabha constituency, Basavaraj Bommai, launched a scathing attack on the Congress party, particularly targeting its leader Rahul Gandhi, while rallying support for Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Addressing a campaign event in Gajendragad, Bommai accused the Congress of deceit and questioned its leadership’s integrity and commitment to the welfare of the nation.
Bommai took aim at Rahul Gandhi’s recent proposal for the redistribution of the nation’s property, urging him to first disclose and distribute his alleged “benami assets” before advocating for such measures. Mocking the uncertainty within the I.N.D.I Alliance regarding its prime ministerial candidate, Bommai ridiculed various leaders’ claims to the PM post, highlighting Mamata Banerjee, Arvind Kejriwal, Sharad Pawar, and Lalu Prasad Yadav’s aspirations.
Raising questions about Rahul Gandhi’s reluctance to pursue the role of Prime Minister, Bommai drew parallels to a son refusing marriage at a marriageable age, suggesting a lack of ambition or commitment within the Congress leadership. He lambasted the Congress party as being built on lies and deceit, predicting its demise if Narendra Modi were to become Prime Minister for the third time.
Further, Bommai criticised AICC President Mallikarjun Kharge, questioning his authority to issue guarantee cards and dismissing their value. He predicted a dismal electoral performance for the Congress, asserting that the party wouldn’t win even 40 out of the total 543 seats in the upcoming elections, citing its failure to address the needs of marginalised communities and its alleged betrayal of Dalits and farmers.
Praising Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s dedication and achievements, Bommai emphasised Modi’s efforts to uplift the poor and provide essential services, including vaccines, during the COVID-19 pandemic. He urged voters to support the BJP as a gesture of gratitude towards Modi for his initiatives in providing water, rice, and other essential resources to households across the country.
Additionally, Bommai criticised the Congress government for halting irrigation projects in North Karnataka, such as Jaalawadagi, Singatalur, and Koppal Lift irrigation projects. He called for the completion of these projects to benefit the region’s farmers, highlighting the BJP’s commitment to development and progress.
With Karnataka’s 28 Lok Sabha seats up for grabs in two phases of polling on April 26 and May 7, Bommai’s impassioned plea for support underscores the high stakes of the upcoming elections. The BJP, aiming to maintain its dominant position in the state after winning 25 out of 28 seats in the 2019 general elections, is leaving no stone unturned in its campaign efforts to secure victory once again.