BJP candidate from South Chennai Lok Sabha seat, Tamilisai Soundararajan on April 20, accused the DMK party of attempting to capture a booth in the south Chennai Mylapore Assembly during the first phase of elections in Tamil Nadu.
She alleged that the DMK attempted to capture No. 13 in the south Chennai Mylapore Assembly segment, Austin Nagar, Teynampet but was prevented by the prompt action of the police. She said DMK is resorting to unfair activities in most booths, fearing defeat.
“There was a booth capturing by the DMK fellows. 50 of their workers entered the booth, chased all the BJP agents, and wanted to capture the booth. BJP Complained. Immediately, the police observer acted and because of that, it was prevented (by the police). These types of activities happened in most of the booths. They (our opponents) are fearing defeat. So, they are doing all this. We strongly condemn and want a repoll in that booth,” she said.
In relation to the booth capturing incident, Tamilisai Soundararajan has requested Election Officer Amith to conduct re-polling for booth number 13 in South Chennai’s Mylapore Assembly segment, Austin Nagar, Teynampet.
She also alleged that most of the people were unable to exercise their voting rights as their names were deleted from the electoral roll. “Apart from that, most of the voters did not practice their voting rights as the names were deleted,” she said.
A total of 69.46 per cent voter turnout was recorded in all 39 parliamentary constituencies of Tamil Nadu, where voting was held on April 19 in the first phase of the Lok Sabha election. Voting for the first phase of Lok Sabha elections 2024 concluded on Friday across 102 parliamentary constituencies spread over 21 states and Union Territories.
The second phase will be held on April 26 and the remaining phases will be May 7, May 13, May 20, May 25 and June 1 accordingly.
(with inputs from ANI)
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