Imphal: In the ongoing Lok Sabha elections in Manipur, an unsettling incident occurred in Moirang, shaking up voters and raising concerns about safety at polling booths. Despite an overall peaceful atmosphere, sporadic incidents of violence have marred the electoral process in this troubled state. Near a polling booth in Thamanpokpi, part of the Moirang Assembly area, sudden gunfire rang out, sending shockwaves through the crowd of voters gathered to cast their ballots.
Fortunately, no injuries were reported in the shooting, but the loud blasts instigated panic among the voters, prompting them to flee from the scene in fear. Videos capturing the chaotic moment went viral, depicting the frantic rush of people escaping the polling booth upon hearing the gunshots. Responding swiftly to the situation, additional security forces were dispatched to the area, bringing the situation under control, as confirmed by police sources.
Despite the unsettling incident, voting has progressed steadily, with the Inner Manipur constituency recording a voting percentage of 31 percent by 1 pm. Encouragingly, polling is also underway in 85 special polling stations established for inmates of relief camps and those internally displaced by ethnic violence in Manipur, indicating efforts to ensure inclusivity in the electoral process.
In the midst of the electoral activity, Chief Minister N Biren Singh cast his vote at a polling booth in Luwangsangbam Mamang Leikai in Imphal East. Expressing his support for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s re-election bid, CM Singh urged the people of Manipur to strengthen Modi’s leadership by voting for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its allies in the two Lok Sabha seats in Manipur.
As the voting process continues, authorities remain vigilant to ensure the safety and security of voters, reaffirming the democratic spirit of the electoral exercise in Manipur.