Tamil Nadu is going to vote on April 19 for the Lok Sabha Elections 2024. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is expecting to win maximum seats this time as it has been working hard for this goal for a long time. To address the rising influence of the BJP in the State and discuss the issues it will resolve if elected to power, BJP Tamil Nadu Vice President P Kanaghasabapathi spoke to Organiser sub-editor Yatharth Sikka on the party’s preparations for the 2024 Lok Sabha polls in the state. Excerpts:
How are the 2024 Lok Sabha elections different from 2019?
In the 2024 elections, there is a significantly positive response for Prime Minister Modi. In the 2019 elections, the DMK and its alliance partners consistently portrayed the Prime Minister as a villain for Tamil Nadu. However, this perception has changed because various Central Government schemes have reached the people. People, whether they are farmers, street vendors, or other semi-entrepreneurs, have all benefited from these Modi Government schemes. Consequently, the situation in 2024 is different from that in 2019. They see Prime Minister Modi as a very good administrator who cares for people from different walks of life. In 2019, it was said that the BJP is a North Indian party, a party of the high class. Now, all of that has changed because of PM Modi’s initiatives for Tamil Nadu, whether it is the Kashi Tamil Samagam or placing Tamil Sengol in new parliament. He has given importance to Tamil language and culture wherever he goes. This has changed the opinion of people in Tamil Nadu in favour of BJP. Now, people who have understood Prime Minister Modi, his schemes and everone will see their impact in the elections.There is significant hype for the BJP on the ground. Do you think this will translate into seats? We expect that this interest will translate into votes, as we hope.
If elected to power, what are the issues you will work on?
We have presented our manifesto for various constituencies, such as Pollachi, Coimbatore, and Tirupur. The party has released a comprehensive ‘Sankalp Patra’ addressing different segments of the population and various issues. However, apart from that, considering the local situation, it varies from place to place. For instance, in the constituencies in the western region of Tamil Nadu, known as the Kongu region, we have vibrant industrial and business centres like Pollachi, Coimbatore, Tirupur, and Namakkal. Each region faces different issues. In the Coimbatore region, the DMK government has neglected important schemes. Coimbatore requires a larger international airport; although it exists, the space is insufficient, and the DMK government has been deliberately denying its expansion for the past 2-3 years. Similarly, Tirupur, Pollachi, etc., have their own local issues. If elected to power, we will certainly address and resolve all these issues.
How much will Tamil Nadu contribute to the BJP’s ‘Ab ki baar 400 par’ campaign?
We are aiming to secure the maximum number of seats, and we are diligently working with our people and cadre at the local levels across different constituencies. They are taking proactive steps and performing exceptionally well, so we anticipate winning the maximum number of seats.