An Islamic cleric in Kanpur named Sonu Hafiz was taken into custody by Uttar Pradesh police on Sunday, April 14, for the rape of a minor girl. After the girl became three months pregnant, the cleric gave her abortion pills. These abortion medications made the victim’s condition worse, and the girl had to be admitted to the hospital for treatment. Locals refer to Sonu Hafiz as “Maulana” as well.
This case is from the Kanpur South region, Naubasta police station area. The mother of the 14-year-old juvenile victim filed a complaint against her neighbour Sonu Hafiz at the police station on April 13. She complained that Sonu Hafiz had been following her daughter for a long time with bad intentions. Hafiz would frequently summon the minor to his room under false pretences, strip the victim naked, and then sexually assault her. The accused threatened to have the girl and her family killed when the child mentioned complaining to her family.
The victim’s mother has complained that Sonu Hafiz’s threats caused her daughter to suffer for a long time in silence. The victim had many pregnancies throughout this time. Sonu Hafiz gave her contraceptive tablets after she told him about her pregnancy.
At the behest of Hafiz, the victim consumed abortion pills, resulting in severe bleeding and loss of consciousness. Her family rushed her to the hospital, where they discovered she was three months pregnant.
When the mother questioned her, the victim told the whole thing and admitted Sonu Hafiz’s involvement. Hafiz threatened the girl’s mother and her family just as she was getting ready to file a police report. The mother of the girl has called on Sonu Hafiz to face harsh consequences.
An FIR has been lodged against Sonu Hafiz based on the complaint, charging him under sections 511, 506, 376, and 313 of the IPC along with the POCSO Act. On Sunday, April 14, 2024, the police apprehended the accused Sonu Hafiz.
थाना नौबस्ता क्षेत्रान्तर्गत नाबालिक बच्ची से दुष्कर्म के प्रकरण में पुलिस द्वारा अभियोग पंजीकृत व आरोपी को हिरासत में लेकर की जाने वाली आवश्यक कार्यवाही के सम्बन्ध में सहायक पुलिस आयुक्त नौबस्ता श्री मंजय सिंह द्वारा दी गई बाइट। @Uppolice
— POLICE COMMISSIONERATE KANPUR NAGAR (@kanpurnagarpol) April 14, 2024
The mother of the victim stated in a widely shared video that she had been suspicious of the accused Sonu Hafiz for about a month. When the mother used to chastise the accused for smiling at the girl, he would respond by saying that the victim girl was like a sister to him. He used to promise the girl that he would marry her even though he was also raping her.