Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) manifesto, for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections on Sunday, April 14. BJP’s manifesto is a comprehensive blueprint of the party’s vision and promises, including ambitious pledges such as the enforcement of the Uniform Civil Code and the implementation of the One Nation, One Election initiative.
The BJP’s manifesto underscores its commitment to fostering national unity and streamlining the electoral process by advocating for a One Nation, One Election. This initiative aims to synchronise the schedules of various elections across the country to reduce electoral expenses and ensure efficient governance.
The BJP’s Sankalp Patra states that they have taken a significant step towards realising the concept of “One Nation, One Election” by establishing a High Powered Committee tasked with examining the challenges associated with conducting simultaneous elections across the country. The committee will focus on studying various aspects of the electoral process and formulating recommendations to facilitate the implementation of synchronised elections.
The move underscores the government’s commitment to streamlining the electoral process and enhancing governance efficiency. By exploring the feasibility of simultaneous elections, the committee aims to address logistical hurdles and ensure the smooth conduct of elections at all levels.
Additionally, the manifesto reaffirms the party’s dedication to promoting social cohesion and equality through the enforcement of the Uniform Civil Code. This measure seeks to standardise personal laws governing various religious communities and promote a more uniform legal framework across the nation.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has reaffirmed its commitment to the implementation of a Uniform Civil Code (UCC), citing it as essential for achieving gender equality in India. The party emphasised that Article 44 of the Constitution lists the Uniform Civil Code as one of the Directive Principles of State Policy, underlining its significance in shaping the legal framework of the country.
According to the BJP, gender equality cannot be achieved until India adopts a Uniform Civil Code that protects the rights of all women. The party reiterated its stance on drawing up a Uniform Civil Code that draws upon the best traditions while harmonising them with modern times.
The BJP’s emphasis on the Uniform Civil Code reflects its dedication to promoting social justice and equality for all citizens, irrespective of gender or religious affiliation. By advocating for a UCC, the party aims to create a legal framework that ensures equal rights and opportunities for women across the country.